
   2016-11-23 21英语网0
核心提示:Does the world need yet another drama about Queen Elizabeth II? British actress Helen Mirren famously played the tough *monarch in her Oscar-winning turn in The Queen (2006). And now Netflix’s new series The Crown, which premiered on Nov 4

Does the world need yet another drama about Queen Elizabeth II? British actress Helen Mirren famously played the tough *monarch in her Oscar-winning turn in The Queen (2006). And now Netflix’s new series The Crown, which premiered on Nov 4, presents us with a different side of the British monarch–the young “Liz”, who’s portrayed with emotional depth and humanity.

The 10-episode first season of The Crown follows the early years of Elizabeth’s long reign, opening on the eve of her marriage to Prince Philip (Matt Smith) in 1947. It then jumps ahead to 1952, when Elizabeth (Claire Foy), at the age of 25, unexpectedly *ascends the throne after the death of her father, King George VI.

Though much has been made of the series’ *sumptuous production value and reported $100 million (687 million yuan) budget, The Crown is a psychologically *astute portrait of the tension between the public sovereign and the private person. As a *figurehead, Elizabeth has great symbolic power but little *autonomy. She is unable to choose her last name or even the home where her family, which then included two small children, will reside.

“It’s not all twinkle, twinkle, twinkle and look at all the finery,” says 32-year-old British actress Claire Foy. “It’s what’s going on between people.”

The drama explores Elizabeth’s *fraught relationships with aging prime minister Winston Churchill (John Lithgow), her uncle, the Duke of Windsor, who famously *abdicated the throne, and her only sister, Princess Margaret, whose romance with the divorced Peter Townsend led to scandal.

Elizabeth’s new responsibilities also put enormous strain on her marriage to Philip. Often *caricatured as a politically incorrect *toff, the Duke of Edinburgh is portrayed with surprising sympathy by British actor Matt Smith, 34, as a dashing young naval officer *emasculated by his role as *consort to the queen. “Literally, people would look past him at his wife. Yeah, it’s the 1950s, blah-blah, but even now people would struggle with that,” Foy says.

Despite these tensions, the Queen manages to maintain her public poker face along the way.

“There is something innately fascinating about somebody who is innately a more public figure than any politician and yet has a very private life,” says 71-year-old US actor John Lithgow. “Certainly, Queen Elizabeth is the most important monarch in the world. It’s the last *viable monarchy–if you can call it viable–and still has a stronghold on Britain, even though its place is a bit of a mystery.”

Having played both the public and private Elizabeth, Foy admiringly sees the monarch as “a very, very, very good, good, good person who has given her life for her country, whichever way you look at it, and has done the most incredible job.”

标签: 女王 年轻
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