
   2016-10-28 沪江网0
核心提示:Incredible footage shows a massive brown bear hugging his human best friend at a wildlife rescue centre.在美国一所野生动物救助中心,一只体型巨大的棕熊拥抱它的人类朋友这令人难以置信的一幕被摄像头记录下来。The video shows Jimbo, a 22-year-old

Incredible footage shows a massive brown bear hugging his human best friend at a wildlife rescue centre.

The video shows Jimbo, a 22-year-old Kodiak bear, cuddling his namesake Jim Kowalczik at the Orphaned Wildlife Centre in Otisville, New York state.

Jim, 57, and his wife Susan have looked after Jimbo, who is also known as Jimmy, since he was a cub and refer to the 1,400lb (635kg) animal as their 'son'.

The video shows the giant brown bear with his arms wrapped around Jim as they embrace.

The pair rub their faces together, with the bear nuzzling his human friend.

Speaking about his relationship with Jimbo previously, Jim said: 'Jimmy is my best friend. It doesn't get any better than that. He loves you just for you.'

'He's very gentle but sometimes he doesn't know his own strength - like if you're trying to walk away he will grab your clothes or shorts and pull you back to him.

'Think of the strongest person you know and magnify it by a thousand times - that's how strong they are.

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  • 棕熊充当婚礼见证人:甜蜜浪漫又激萌!
    Usually, a wedding's main focus is on the bride and groom. However, one couple were upstaged by a huge brown bear that they invited to be a part of their special day.通常,婚礼的重点聚焦在新娘和新郎身上。然而,有对夫妇被一头大棕熊抢去了风头