
   2016-10-25 沪江网0
核心提示:If a 30 year old came up to your door on Halloween, would you give him candy?如果一位三十多岁的人在万圣节敲了你家门,你会给他糖果吗?获得28好评的回答@Heather JedrusMy oldest trick-or-treater was in her 60s. She was in a costume and said, "t

If a 30 year old came up to your door on Halloween, would you give him candy?

获得28好评的回答@Heather Jedrus

My oldest trick-or-treater was in her 60s. She was in a costume and said, "trick or treat," so I happily gave her some candy.
我招待过的最年长的熊孩子是六十几岁的。她身穿着万圣节服装对我说 “不给糖就捣蛋”,于是我很乐意地给了她一些糖果。

I don't care about age at all. I used to say that I do care that they are wearing a costume and say "trick or treat," but not anymore.

获得70好评的回答@Melissa Stroud

I just gave candy to a woman way over 30 if I had to guess. She was chaperoning her teens around. I said I had an excess of candy and told her to help herself. And no, she was not in costume.

获得268好评的回答@Maura Rudd

Absolutely. I don't care how old you are, if you show up at my door at a reasonable hour on Halloween, you are getting some candy.

In fact, if you just happen to stop by for a visit the day after Halloween, I will probably try and force leftover candy on you as well.


标签: 糖果 万圣节
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