
   2016-10-21 沪江网0
核心提示:According to the legend, you have to stand in a bathroom, with one candle lit and say the name “Bloody Mary” into the mirror three times in a row. It is only the bravest of children who would attempt to do this, because the story says thi

According to the legend, you have to stand in a bathroom, with one candle lit and say the name “Bloody Mary” into the mirror three times in a row. It is only the bravest of children who would attempt to do this, because the story says this will summon her ghost.

If you see her ghostly face in the mirror, it could have one of the following terrible consequences:

1. Your eyes being ripped out and your face horribly scarred.

2. Being found dead with claw marks all over your face and body.

3. Disappearing mysteriously from the bathroom and ending up trapped in the mirror with the ghost for eternity. You could also be driven insane or drop dead on the spot.

You’re probably wondering if she is real or just an urban legend. Well, the truth is that she’s real. Or at least she was real. The legend of Bloody Mary is based on a true story.

The history of the chanting game is based on mixed up legends and history that, over the years, have become the main basis for the story surrounding the urban legend.

The most common story told is that Bloody Mary was a witch that lived over 100 years ago who dabbled in the black arts. She was found out and executed.

The second story is more modern – a local woman was involved in a fatal car accident, and her face was horribly scarred before she died. She reappears in the mirror when summoned with that same horrific face.

The third story is that Bloody Mary is based on a historical figure – Queen Mary I of England or Mary Tudor, who reigned during the Tudor period was also commonly known as “Bloody Mary”.

There have also been a number of horror movies and TV shows based on the legend of Bloody Mary:

1. Supernatural – Bloody Mary

Episode S01E05 of Supernatural featured a young woman named Mary Worthington who lived in Indiana. When she was 19 years old, someone broke into her apartment and murdered her. The killer cut out her eyes with a knife and she died in front of a large mirror. She tried to spell out her killer’s name in blood, but only managed the letters T-R-E. A surgeon named Trevor Sampson was suspected but nothing was ever proven and her murder went unsolved. Her body was cremated, but her spirit was trapped in the mirror.
《邪恶力量》中第一季第五集中描述了一名住在印第安纳的年轻女子Mary Worthington。当她19岁的时候,有人闯进了她的公寓并谋杀了她。凶手用一把刀挖出了她的眼睛,而且她死在一个大镜子前。她试图用自己的血把凶手的名字写出来,但只写了T-R-E这三个字。一名叫做Trevor Sampson的外科医生遭到怀疑,但是没有任何证据,因此这起案件一直没能破案。她的尸体被火化了,但她的灵魂被困在了那面镜子里。

2. Dead Mary

In this horror movie, a bunch of young people spend the weekend in a remote cabin in the woods. They decide to play a game called “Dead Mary” in which they summon an evil witch by repeating her name three times in front of a mirror.

3. Urban Legends 3: Bloody Mary

This movie features a young woman named Mary Banner who dies on Prom Night when a prank goes wrong and she gets locked in a chest. Her body was never found and, 35 years later, her ghost returns for revenge.
这部电影描述了一个名叫Mary Banner的年轻女人,因为毕业舞会上的一个恶作剧出错了,她被锁在一个箱子窒息而死。她的尸体一直没有被找到,而35年之后,她的鬼魂回来复仇了。

标签: 玛丽 血腥
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