她被称全球最性感数学老师 她的课没人逃!

   2016-10-15 沪江网0
核心提示:Maths can be difficult for even the most committed students, but with Oksana Neveselaya at the front of the class her students could be forgiven for struggling to concentrate.数学很难,甚至对于成绩比较好的学生,但是在奥克萨娜-內威塞拉亚课堂

Maths can be difficult for even the most committed students, but with Oksana Neveselaya at the front of the class her students could be forgiven for struggling to concentrate.

The pretty blonde has been dubbed 'the world's hottest maths teacher' after a video taken by one of her students went viral.

Miss Neveselaya, from Minsk, Belarus, has since swept YouTube and garnered a huge Instagram following of more than 173,000 devoted fans.

In the clip, which is just 45 seconds long, she is seen wearing a sleeveless grey dress and cage sandals with her long blonde hair worn in waves. She is seen addressing the class, then turning back to the whiteboard to write out equations. Various versions of the original video have racked up hundreds of thousands of views.

It is not known whether Oksana is aware of the furore surrounding her YouTube debut,she isn't averse to receiving attention over her looks with each post notching up hundreds of likes and comments.

A recent photograph of her enjoying a spa break in Malaysia sent her fans into a frenzy, with men begging her to 'be their maths teacher'.

According to her Facebook page, she is determined to 'show that sensuality and intelligence go hand in hand'.

However hopeful suitors may be disappointed as Oksana appears to have a significant other; a recent photograph on her Facebook page shows her grinning with a massive bouquet of flowers.



标签: 奥克 明斯克
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