
   2016-10-15 21英语网0
核心提示:There are far more pressing concerns than Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s *pending divorce.这世界上有太多比布拉德•皮特和安吉丽娜•朱莉离婚更迫切的问题。Their pain is nothing compared to that of, say, Nadia Murad, who was sold as a sex slav

There are far more pressing concerns than Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s *pending divorce.

Their pain is nothing compared to that of, say, Nadia Murad, who was sold as a sex slave to an ISIS commander and is now suing the terrorist group on behalf of thousands of its victims.

Their heartbreak doesn’t match that of Syrian refugees who can protect neither their homeland nor their children.

Their split won’t leave either of them penniless or, in all likelihood, companionless. They will be fine.

And yet...

News of Jolie filing for divorce from Pitt, her partner of 12 years and her husband of two, *reverberated fast and furious. More so than Justin Bieber and model Sofia Richie, whose split was also announced last week. More so than Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston, who parted ways this month.

More so than almost any celebrity couple whose love affair we watched take root and grow into what appeared to be a loving union of equals.

That’s partly because they lasted more than a decade–a rare feat in Hollywood. But it’s also because of who they are apart from Hollywood.

Earlier this month, Jolie, a United Nations *envoy, appeared at a UN peacekeeping summit, where she spoke to delegates from 80 countries about the organization’s *alleged sexual abuse by peacekeepers. She is an outspoken advocate for Syrian refugees and visited many of them as recently as March.

They have raised adopted children from Cambodia, Vietnam and Ethiopia. Together they formed the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, which is reported to have given money to Doctors Without Borders, an Ethiopian HIV clinic and Pakistani refugees, among others.

Brad Pitt’s Make It Right organization builds LEED-certified homes for people in need, including those in New Orleans displaced by Hurricane Katrina.
布拉德•皮特创立的基金会“Make It Right”为有需要的人建造绿色能源与环境设计先锋奖(LEED)认证的房屋,救助者中就包括那些遭受卡特里娜飓风而无家可归的新奥尔良人。

But we need one of them to be a villain.

They’re splitting up, and we need to decide which one to blame, so Sept 20 began the speculating about who’s a bad parent, who smokes a lot of pot, who’s having an affair with a co-star and so on.

It doesn’t matter.

No one knows the truth of another person’s marriage. *Heck, a lot of us don’t know the whole truth of our own.

What we do know is Jolie and Pitt have taken their wealth and privilege and fame and pointed it toward improving the world. That’s worthy of our respect. Whatever they do inside or outside of their marriage doesn’t have to *diminish that respect. It really doesn’t.

标签: 皮特 朱莉
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