外媒:数学烂?你是传说中的math disability

   2016-10-13 沪江网0
核心提示:In a typical classroom, you’ll find children who are exceptionally good at math while some struggle. Some kids seem to be particularly poor at math, though, showing difficulty even when routinely adding or subtracting even after extensive

In a typical classroom, you’ll find children who are exceptionally good at math while some struggle. Some kids seem to be particularly poor at math, though, showing difficulty even when routinely adding or subtracting even after extensive schooling.

A pair of researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center and Stanford University made an extensive review of the current literature and found evidence of a form of ‘math disability’, which is related to dyslexia. Their theory suggests math disability is linked to abnormalities in brain areas supporting procedural memory.
乔治城大学医疗中心和斯坦福大学的两名研究人员回顾了当代文献,发现一种与阅读障碍有关的“数学废”(math disability)。他们的理论认为,数学废与大脑中负责产生记忆的部位异常有关。

Ullman and Tanya M. Evans, who is now a post-doc fellow at Stanford, have come up instead with what they call the “procedural deficit hypothesis.” Their idea is based on current literature that says learning a skill involves both procedural and declarative memory.
Ullman和斯坦福大学的博士后Tanya M.Evans共同提出了“程序记忆不足假说”。他们这一基于当代文献的观点认为学习某种技能与程序记忆和陈述性记忆有关。

“We believe that learning math is likely similar to learning other skills,” Evans says. “For example, declarative memory may first be used to consciously learn how to
drive, but then with practice driving gradually becomes automatized in procedural memory. However, for some children with math disability, procedural memory may not be working well, so math skills are not automatized.”

Math, reading or learning a new language depend on both of these learning systems and evidence so far seems to indicate that when procedural memory is impaired, a child may face math disability, dyslexia or developmental language disorder. Declarative memory often compensates but only to an extent.

标签: 数学 记忆
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