
   2016-10-09 沪江网0
核心提示:I know you care.I can see itin your eyes.I know you love me;you so often tell me.You must know thatit's hard to expressall the tender emotionI feel in my heart for you. It's there.Every day,every night,every second of the hour,every day of

I know you care.

I can see it

in your eyes.

I know you love me;

you so often tell me.

You must know that

it's hard to express

all the tender emotion

I feel in my heart for you.


It's there.

Every day,

every night,

every second of the hour,

every day of the year.

And in the years to come,

I pray that

we will always mean

this much

to each other.




At the tender age of seventeen I left home.早在十七岁的小小年纪,我就离开了家。

We were sent to boarding school at a tender age.很小的时候我们就被送到了寄宿学校。

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