不识泰山!看着像乱涂乱画 一幅幅都贵成天价

   2016-10-07 沪江网0
核心提示:Their original owner’s wife deemed them so unsightly they were consigned to a cupboard.这些画作被前主人的老婆嫌弃,她们认为这些画作极不美观,把它们锁进了橱柜。But the forgotten collection of drawings is finally to see the light of day afte

Their original owner’s wife deemed them so unsightly they were consigned to a cupboard.

But the forgotten collection of drawings is finally to see the light of day after a stunned owner discovered they are the work of LS Lowry.
不过现在这些被遗忘的作品终于得以重见天日了,因为主人惊讶的发现原来这些画稿是LS Lowry的作品。

On the Antiques Roadshow in March, she was told the sketches were ‘typical’ of the English artist. Now, the haul of 28 items is expected to sell for £500,000.

The collection includes the cover of his sketchbook, a 1959 street scene in Manchester and two figures hand in hand from 1956.

The pieces are to be sold for between £15,000 and £49,500 each at the LAPADA Art and Antiques Fair. Frankie Rowles said: ‘This collection is one of the most fabulous things we have had the privilege to sell.’
英国艺术品古董商协会艺术品与古董展销会上,这些画作每幅可以售到1.5万英镑—4.95万英镑的高价。艺术家rankie Rowles说,“这组展品是我们有幸出售的作品中最精美的作品之一。”

标签: 画稿 作品
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