
   2016-09-26 沪江网0
核心提示:导语:猫是一种有灵性的生物。日本有动画片《猫的报恩》,在纽约也有一只这样的小猫,被主人收养后为报恩义无反顾成为守店员,9年来风雨无阻。赶紧来看看这只猫的故事吧。When this ginger beauty was a kitten he needed a home, so an employee from a stor


When this ginger beauty was a kitten he needed a home, so an employee from a store in Chinatown, New York, decided to bring him in so he could have a place to stay. Since then, Bobo the cat has spent 9 years working at a store. He didn’t take a single day off, and he absolutely loves his job and the customers!

‘At the store, he likes to sit near the entrance and greet customers. He has his own scratcher lounge towards the front of the store and likes to sit there. He also likes to look out the window, a curious cat!’ Annie Liao who works at the store told Love Meow.
“在店里,Bobo喜欢端坐在门口跟顾客打招呼。店门口有块区域是Bobo的专属休息区,他喜欢蹲在那儿的一块猫抓板上。Bobo总是喜欢往窗户外面看,真是一只充满好奇心的猫!”在杂货店工作的一名叫Liao Annie的员工告诉记者。


Liao started working at a store back in 2014 and immediately became Bobo’s caregiver and cat’s human number one. Liao even says that the cat does a better job than her. 

Apparently, Bobo loves greeting customers with a meow and showing them around. Liao calls the cat ‘the king of the store’ and says that this furry beauty is very calm, friendly, and loving. 

The employee even created an Instagram account for this furry shopkeeper, so now the whole world can see what this smart feline is up to.

Bobo decides to weigh in for a quick wellness check.

If there's a piece of cardboard on the floor, Bobo must sit on it.



标签: 这只 小猫
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