
   2016-09-23 沪江网0
核心提示:Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Today I'd like to share my personal experience of happiness and bitterness of being an English teacher. I remember, five years ago, when I stood at the teacher's desk for the first time, maybe because I

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Today I'd like to share my personal experience of happiness and bitterness of being an English teacher. I remember, five years ago, when I stood at the teacher's desk for the first time, maybe because I was too young, maybe because I was too inexperienced, the students in my class paid no attention to me, didn't behave themselves at all. I felt ashamed and helpless. In order to save my face, I just criticized the students seriously whenever they talked in class or even moved a little. I thought sooner or later, they would listen to me. Yes, I could control the class now, but the students and the atmosphere became strange. No, they were not listening to me. It was too quiet. The breathless silence urged me to consider the way I was teaching.

Then 1 August 2003, I got the chance to study the New Course of English. Until then could I realized that it was my frozen eyes that make the students flinch(退缩) , it was my stiff face that trod out the enthusiasm in the children's hearts. How to stimulate my class and show my warmth, so that they can enjoy their study in English? I had a deep thought. It's smile. There is a kindness called smile. It is the most beautiful language in the world. It can make distance no distance. "Just awake the students with a smiling face!" I said to myself. The next day, when I stood on the stage with a smiling face, when I asked the questions with a smile, when I encouraged the children in a friendly way, the students were just shocked! But I could find there was more happiness and excitement in their eyes!

Gradually, they got used to it, and participated in my teaching. As I predicted, that class became a lovely one. I was moved, and said "Thank you for listening, boys and girls!" In the following days, I keep on working even harder. I prepare my lessons carefully. I use Flash, pictures, riddles, and interesting stories to make great efforts to help the students to learn more. But I will never forget one thing: smile, give them a smile, to give them strength, to let them feel happy, to make them confident. The children do enjoy the English lesson now, when they tell me the answers in great excitement, I can feel their gladness, and my smile is more sincerely than ever! There is kindness called smile. From the children's yearning eyes, I understand, it is smile that makes my students and I get closer, it is smile that fills the kindness to my English class, it is smile that shapes me popular English teacher finally. That's all. Thank you very much!




He was frozen to death on a snowing night.在一个风雪的晚上,他被冻死了。

The weather is cold and the ground is frozen.天寒地冻。




She won't flinch from speaking her mind.她不会讳言自己的想法。

We will never flinch from difficulties.我们面对困难决不退缩。




There is a sheet of stiff cardboard in the drawer.在那个抽屉里有块硬纸板。

You have to push on the handle to turn it,becanse it's very stiff.手柄很不灵活,你必须用力推才能转动它。


trod解释:v.踩,踏( tread的过去式 );踩成;踏出;步行于


Ouch! You trod on my toe! 哎哟!你踩着我的脚指头了!

Every day he trod the same path through the woods. 他每天沿同一条路走过森林。 来自《简明英汉词典》




Your encouragement will stimulate me to further efforts.你的鼓励会激发我进一步努力。

Success will stimulate the people for fresh efforts.成功能鼓舞人们去作新的努力。


riddles解释:n.谜(语)( riddle的名词复数 );猜不透的难题,难解之谜


Few riddles collected from oral tradition, however, have all six parts. 但是据收集的情况看,口头流传的谜语很少具有这完整的六部分。 来自英汉非文学 - 民俗

But first, you'd better see if you can answer riddles. 但是你首先最好想想你会不会猜谜语。 来自辞典例句




a yearning for a quiet life 对宁静生活的向往

He felt a great yearning after his old job. 他对过去的工作有一种强烈的渴想。

标签: August urged
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