The Grass Is Always Green Right Under Your Feet

   2016-09-21 沪江网0
核心提示:Have you ever thought life would be better anywhere other than where you are right now? Maybe some of your thoughts go something like this: Life will be better once I'm out of debt. I can't wait until I'm retired because then I can do wha

Have you ever thought life would be better anywhere other than where you are right now? Maybe some of your thoughts go something like this:


Life will be better once I'm out of debt.


I can't wait until I'm retired because then I can do what I want when I want.


If only I lived somewhere warm I could exercise all year round and I would be so fit.


If I could just lose 10 pounds I know I would feel better.


Truth is some of your problems may go away once you have met all of your "if only's" and "better when's" but it won't make the perfect life that fairy tales are made of. New problems will arise and you'll likely find yourself wishing for this "perfect" life to be different still. We can only imagine that the grass will be greener on the other side because it's only when we live it do we actually see it for what it really is.


Whatever ideal you have in mind about an alternate lifestyle, location, financial situation etc ... rest assured that each one will be met with it's own unique set of problems.


So what can you do about this? Choose to be content with what you already have.


Look around you and be truly grateful for all that you see. Realize that there are people less fortunate than you and right now, rightly or wrongly, they are wishing for your exact lifestyle. Think back to 2 years ago, what were you wishing for then? Where did you want to be? Odds are you were largely wishing to be right where you are now. Life happens so gradually that you tend to lose all perspective of achievements, growth and progress.


It's great to dream big. But those dreams should not cloud the greatness you have in front of you right now. Consider the truth in the grass being the greenest right under your feet.




The old man retired to the country for rest.这位老人下乡休息去了。

Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.许多退休的人都以从事园艺为嗜好。




The weather at the seaside was ideal—bright and breezy.海边的天气最宜人,风和日丽的。

They promised to be faithful to their ideal for ever. 他们保证永远忠于自己的理想。




He and I clean our room on alternate days.我和他隔日轮流打扫我们的房间。

That was a week of alternate rain and sunshine.那是晴雨天交替的一周。




He spoke in a calm, assured voice. 他冷静自信地说。

The makers of the product assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality. 这一产品的制造商向我们保证说他们没有牺牲质量。




The odds are 5 to 1 that she will win.她获胜的机会是五比一。

Do you know the odds of winning the lottery once?你知道赢得一次彩票的几率多大吗?




It is largely dependent on the weather.这多半取决于天气情况。

Their conclusions were largely founded on guesswork.他们的结论大部份基于猜测。




You can get a perspective of the whole city from here.从这里你可以看到城市的全景。

We may get a clear perspective of the people's happy lives.我们知道人民对幸福生活的展望。

标签: problems Truth
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