Reading one hour a day could change your life

   2016-09-21 沪江网0
核心提示:Here's one very simple yet potentially lifechanging advice I first heard from Brian Tracy. Cut down on the TV at night by just one hour. Instead use that hour to read books that could improve your life. If you're in sales, google or browse

Here's one very simple yet potentially lifechanging advice I first heard from Brian Tracy. Cut down on the TV at night by just one hour. Instead use that hour to read books that could improve your life.


If you're in sales, google or browse amazon for what other people think are the best and most useful books on improving your sales.


This of course applies to all fields, not just the workrelated ones. Maybe you want to improve your health, become a more energetic person with a better looking body. Or maybe you want improve your productivity, your relations or perhaps do some general personal development.


One hour a day is not much. But if you read for one hour a day on weekdays that's about 260 hours a year. That's a lot of books and loads and loads of useful advice.


If applied who knows what great things and feelings could come into your life this year.


Also, all that cool information and useful advice will start to open up your mind. You will start to see more possibilites in your everyday life.


Now, now you might think something like this:


1. I really don't have the money...


Answer: Visit your local library or search their database if they got a website. Or look for used copies in places like or some more local alternative if you're outside of the US.


2. Yeah, ok, but I really don't have the time...


Answer: Buy the books as audiobooks and listen to them in the car whilst driving to and from work. Or transfer them to your mp3-player and listen while riding your bike/bus to work or school. Recently selling audiobooks directly through mp3-downloads have become popular. It's probably something we will see more and more as people and companies discover this easy (and if the technology works) smooth way of shopping.


So start browsing for recommendations on books or ask your friends and collegues.


And shut of the TV a little earlier and start reading this week.




I had a browse through the books on her shelf.我浏览了一下她书架上的书。

It is a good idea to browse through it first.最好先通篇浏览一遍。




Farmers are introducing in novations which increase the productivity.农民们正引进提高生产力的新方法。

The workers try to put up productivity.工人设法提高生产率。




She plans to take a course in applied linguistics.她打算学习应用语言学课程。

This cream is best applied to the face at night.这种乳霜最好晚上擦脸用。


database解释:n.数据库 (=databank)


I discovered some new information in the database.我在资料库里发现了一些新信息。

We planned to build an online database.我们计划建一个联机数据库。




She sang whilst she worked.她边干活边唱歌。

There was dead silence in the court,whilst the white rabbit read out these verses.当白兔子念诗的时候,法庭上鸦雀无声。


browsing解释:v.吃草( browse的现在分词 );随意翻阅;(在商店里)随便看看;(在计算机上)浏览信息


He sits browsing over[through] a book. 他坐着翻阅书籍。 来自《简明英汉词典》

Cattle is browsing in the field. 牛正在田里吃草。 来自《简明英汉词典》


recommendations解释:n.推荐( recommendation的名词复数 );推荐信;正式建议;提议


The board completely disregarded my recommendations. 董事会完全无视我的建议。

Recommendations from two previous clients helped to establish her credibility. 两位以前的客户的推荐有助于确立她的诚信度。 来自《简明英汉词典》

标签: energetic health
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