
   2016-09-20 沪江网0
核心提示:I'm not sure when I first fell in love with you…… I guess it could have been as early as that first time we held each other, or the first time I realized that you kind of liked me, too……  I'm not sure; I just remember thinking of you

I'm not sure when I first fell in love with you…… I guess it could have been as early as that first time we held each other, or the first time I realized that you kind of liked me, too…… 


I'm not sure; I just remember thinking of you more and more and getting less and less done in the process!


I remember wanting you to stay so badly - and being so thrilled at the thought.


I remember praying that it was you whenever the phone would ring, but at the same time hoping it wasn't; because I didn't know how in the world I was going to sound romantic and impressive when what I felt was anxious and tongue-tied……


Sometimes it still amazes me - how I get so anxious and thrilled and thoughtful about you; I guess maybe it's because I just keep falling wonderfully in love with you…… over and over again.




This cinema is so impressive that we can't help crying.这影片如此感人以至我们禁不住流下泪来。

The suit made him look especially impressive.他穿上这套衣服真精神。


amazes解释:使大为吃惊,使惊奇( amaze的第三人称单数 )


Your knowledge amazes me. 你丰富的知识令我吃惊。

The power that amazes, We look, but never will see? 为什么这种令人惊异的力量我们看到了却永不会明白?




She is thoughtful for her friends.她很体贴她的朋友们。

This is a thoughtful essay.这是一篇具有思想性的随笔。

标签: stay badly
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