
   2016-09-20 沪江网0
核心提示:A son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"  To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in themountain: AAAhhhhhh!!!" Curious, he yells: "Who

A son and his father were walking on the mountains.


Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" 


To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in themountain: AAAhhhhhh!!!"


Curious, he yells: "Who are you?"


He receives the answer: "Who are you?"


Angered at the response, he screams: "Coward!"


He receives the answer: "Coward!"


He looks to his father and asks: "What's going on?"


The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention."


And then he screams to the mountain: "I admire you!"


The voice answers: "I admire you!"


Again the man screams: "You are a champion!"


The voice answers: "You are a champion!"


The boy is surprised, but does not understand.


Then the father explains: "People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE.


It gives you back everything you say or do.


Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.


If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart.


If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence.


This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life;


Life will give you back everything you have given to it.


Your life is not a coincidence, it's a reflection of you!


yells解释:v.叫喊,号叫,叫着说( yell的第三人称单数 )


The most savage yells of all came from the schoolchildren. 最野蛮的喊叫声来自那些学童。 来自英汉文学

Dimes, dimes, "yells another, selling $ 10 vials of crack. 另一个卖瓶装克拉克的青年也在大声叫卖。 来自名作英译部分




The newspapers had unjustly labelled him as a coward.那家报纸不公正地称他为懦夫。

I was basically a dreadful coward.从根本上说,我非常胆小怕事。




She shouted on the mountaintop and listened for the echo.她在山顶上大声喊着,然后聆听着回声。

I should like to echo the words of the previous speaker.我想重复前面一位发言者的话。




The reflection of the sun on the glass wall was blinding.玻璃墙上反射的太阳光令人目眩。

One can see the reflection of the tower in the water.塔的影子倒映在水中。




This mess is a poor reflection on his competence.这种混乱情况说明他难当此任。

These are matters within the competence of the court.这些是法院权限以内的事。

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