The Little Prince

   2016-09-19 沪江网0
核心提示:Oh, little prince! Bit by bit I came to understand the secrets of your only entertainment in the quiet pleasure of looking at the sunset. I learned that new detail on the morning of the fourth day, when you said to me:  "I am very fond of

Oh, little prince! Bit by bit I came to understand the secrets of your only entertainment in the quiet pleasure of looking at the sunset. I learned that new detail on the morning of the fourth day, when you said to me: 


"I am very fond of sunsets. Come, let us go look at a sunset now." 


"But we must wait," I said. 


"Wait? For what?" 


"For the sunset. We must wait until it is time." 


At first you seemed to be very much surprised. And then you laughed to yourself. You said to me: 


"I am always thinking that I am at home!" 


Just so. Everybody knows that when it is noon in the United States the sun is setting over France. 


If you could fly to France in one minute, you could go straight into the sunset, right from noon. Unfortunately, France is too far away for that. But on your tiny planet, my little price, all you need do is move your chair a few steps. You can see the day end and the twilight falling whenever you like… 


"One day," you said to me, "I saw the sunset forty-four times!" 


And a little later you added: 


"You know -- one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…" 


"Were you so sad, then?" I asked, "on the day of the forty-four sunset?" 


But the little prince made no reply. 


On the fifth day -- again, as always, it was thanks to the sheep -- the secret of the little prince's life was revealed to me. Abruptly, without anything to lead up to it, and as if the question had been born of long and silent meditation on his problem, he demanded: 


"A sheep -- if it eats little bushes, does it eat flowers, too?" 


"A sheep," I answered, "eats anything it finds in its reach." 


"Even flowers that have thorns?" 


"Yes, even flowers that have thorns." 


"Then the thorns -- what use are they?" 


I did not know. At that moment I was very busy trying to unscrew a bolt that had got stuck in my engine. I was very much worried, for it was becoming clear to me that the breakdown of my plane was extremely serious. And I had so little drinking-water left that I had to fear for the worst. 


"The thorns -- what use are they?" 


The little prince never let go of a question, once he had asked it. As for me, I was upset over that bolt. And I answered with the first thing that came into my head: 


"The thorns are of no use at all. Flowers have thorns just for spite." 




There was a moment of complete silence. Then the little prince flashed back at me, with a kind of resentfulness: 


"I don't believe you! Flowers are weak creature. They are native. They reassure themselves at best they can. They believe that their thorns are terrible weapons…" 


I did not answer. At that instant I was saying to myself: "If this bolt still won't turn, I am going to knock it out with the hammer." Again the little price disturbed my thoughts. 


"And you actually believe that the flowers" 


"Oh, no!" I cried. "No, no, no! I don't believe anything. I answered you the first thing that came into my head. Don't you see -- I am very busy with matters of consequence!" 


He stared at me, thunderstruck. 


"Matters of consequence!" 


He looked at me there, with my hammer in my hand, my fingers black with engine-grease, bending over an object which seemed to him extremely ugly… 


"You talk just like the grown-ups!" 


That made me a little ashamed. But he went on, relentlessly: 


"You mix everything up together…You confuse everything…" 


He was really very angry. He tossed his golden curls in the breeze. 


The little prince was now white with rage. 


"The flowers have been growing thorns for millions of years. For millions of years the sheep have been eating them just the same. And is it not a matter of consequence to try to understand why the flowers go to so much trouble to grow thorns which are never of any use to them? Is the warfare between the sheep and the flowers not important? And if I know -- I, myself -- one flower which is unique in the world, which grows nowhere but on my planet, but which one little sheep can destroy in a single bite some morning, without even noticing what he is doing -- Oh! You think that is not important!" 


His face turned from white to red as he continued: 


"If some one loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars. He can say to himself, 'Somewhere, my flower is there…' But if the sheep eats the flower, in one moment all his stars will be darkened…And you think that is not important!" 


He could not say anything more. His words were choked by sobbing


The night had fallen. I had let my tools drop from my hands. Of what moment now was my hammer, my bolt, or thirst, or death? On one star, one planet, my planet, the Earth, there was a little prince to be comforted, I took him in my arms and rocked him. I said to him: 


"The flower that you love is not in danger. I will draw you a muzzle for your sheep. I will draw you a railing to put around your flower. I will--" 


I did not know what to say to him. I felt awkward and blundering. I did not know how I could reach him, where I could overtake him and go on hand in hand with him once more. 


It is such a secret place, the land of tears.




Twilight merged into darkness.夕阳的光辉融于黑暗中。

Twilight was sweet with the smell of lilac and freshly turned earth.薄暮充满紫丁香和新翻耕的泥土的香味。




He gestured abruptly for Virginia to get in the car.他粗鲁地示意弗吉尼亚上车。

I was abruptly notified that a half-hour speech was expected of me.我突然被通知要讲半个小时的话。




This peaceful garden lends itself to meditation.这个恬静的花园适于冥想。

I'm sorry to interrupt your meditation.很抱歉,我打断了你的沉思。




She suffered a nervous breakdown.她患神经衰弱。

The plane had a breakdown in the air,but it was fortunately removed by the ace pilot.飞机在空中发生了故障,但幸运的是被王牌驾驶员排除了。




This seemed to reassure him and he continued more confidently.这似乎使他放心一点,于是他更有信心地继续说了下去。

The airline tried to reassure the customers that the planes were safe.航空公司尽力让乘客相信飞机是安全的。




He addressed the audience on the subject of atomic warfare.他向听众演讲有关原子战争的问题。

Their struggle consists mainly in peasant guerrilla warfare.他们的斗争主要是农民游击战。


sobbing解释:<主方>Ⅰ adj.湿透的


I heard a child sobbing loudly. 我听见有个孩子在呜呜地哭。

Her eyes were red with recent sobbing. 她的眼睛因刚哭过而发红。




He placed the muzzle of the pistol between his teeth.他把手枪的枪口放在牙齿中间。

The President wanted to muzzle the press.总统企图遏制新闻自由。

标签: lead question
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