必须亲身经历才能体会的道理 上

   2016-09-15 沪江网0
核心提示:Life is Hard When you're a teenager, you're just at the beginning of your life's lessons. Life is the toughest teacher you will ever have. “Life is a cruel teacher. She gives the test first, then the lesson.” Life will throw everything t

Life is Hard


When you're a teenager, you're just at the beginning of your life's lessons. Life is the toughest teacher you will ever have. “Life is a cruel teacher. She gives the test first, then the lesson.” Life will throw everything that it can at you; it will try to break you and choke you until you can't breathe, but you can't let it.


Don't Expect Smooth Seas


There will be many challenges, obstacles and curve balls swung your way. Just try to take life as it comes. Don't fight against the current because you'll just wear yourself out. If there's a door that is standing wide open for you and another that you're trying to get through by knocking it down, sometimes it's best to take the door that's already open for you. In other words don't try to be someone/something you're not.


Learn About Personal Finance Now


Learn how to budget and manage your money, how to open a checking/savings account, and how to use credit wisely and live within your means. Your future self will thank you for it. Buy quality items you can keep around for a long time to come, not cheap crap that breaks that you'll have to buy again in a year. Invest in yourself, your education, your personal improvement, your health and your relationships to others.


Assume Change Will Come


Life is about change; don't fight it and just go with it. Learn from your mistakes and grow. Let go of things you can't change. Sometimes change will be so painful you will want to rip your heart out, but you'll be okay if you just hang on and know that no matter what happens, you will be alright. Win, lose or draw, life will go on and you'll get another chance to start your life over if things haven't gone according to plan.


Keep Your Plans Loose


Speaking of plans, keep them loose and flexible. It's good to have an idea of things you want to accomplish and where you want to be a couple years down the road, but honestly no one knows what's going to happen tomorrow, let alone 5 years from now. It's fine to make some plans but be flexible and willing to change them. Remember that people change and things happen that will push you in one direction or another. Don't waste time beating yourself up because your plans didn't go the way you wanted. Don't worry about things you can't change; focus on making new plans/goals and where you will go from here.

Time Is a Limited Resource


Nothing lasts forever. Enjoy every moment that you have. Enjoy life and practice being present in the moment because it goes by extremely fast. There will be both good and bad times. The bad thing about up is there's always a down. It's important to really enjoy and savor the good moments in life because you'll need those memories to reflect back on when the bad times come. The first 10 years after high school go by at a breakneck speed and before you know it you're 28 and wondering how the time has escaped you.


obstacles解释:n. 干扰;障碍


I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted. 我认为这些障碍大多数都是可以克服的。

There's no formidable obstacles in the world. 世上没有无法逾越的障碍。




The train slowed its speed as it went around the curve.火车在弯道行驶时放慢了速度。

The path of an arrow is a curve.箭的轨迹是一条曲线。




After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。

They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。




She is an expert in finance.她是一名财政专家。

A finance house made a bid to buy up the entire company.一家信贷公司出价买下了整个公司。




I credit him with a certain amount of sense.我认为他有一定的见识。

He got the credit,and we did the dirty work.他得荣誉,我们做不讨好的工作。




I have decided to invest in a new car.我已经决定买一辆新汽车。

The best time to invest is now.现在是投资的最佳时机。




The doctor noticed a gradual improvement in his patient.医生注意到病人在逐渐恢复健康。

I can detect signs of improvement in your thinking.我可以察觉出你思考问题方面的进步。




I assume that he won't cheat you.想来他是不会骗你的。

We can't assume anything in this case.在这种情况下我们不可能做出假设。




He had seen the rip in the book.他看到了书里的裂缝。

I tried not to rip the paper as I unwrapped it.我把纸打开的时候,尽量不把它撕破。




The soup has a savor of onion.这汤有洋葱味。

His humorous remarks added a savor to our conversation.他幽默的话语给谈话增添了风趣。

标签: Finance Learn
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