
   2016-09-13 沪江网0
核心提示:You can call this drama "Gone With the Wind," "Whatever Floats Your Boat," or "Oh, Canada!"  你可以把这出闹剧称作“随
You can call this drama "Gone With the Wind," "Whatever Floats Your Boat," or "Oh, Canada!" 
An annual event in Michigan turned into a cross-border headache when blustery winds pushed 1,500 Americans on floatation devices from the US side of the St. Clair River into Canada. 
Folks were enjoying the annual Port Huron Float Down on the American side of the St. Clair River on Sunday, with people in dinghies, rafts and inner tubes when ill wind made them drift. 
"They were pushed over pretty quickly, and because they had no control over these dinghies and the wind was basically directing them and the current, they ended up over here," Sarnia Police Const. John Sottosanti told CTV Network. 
Hit with a burst of rain and winds, the Americans washed ashore in Sarnia, Ontario. 
Sarnia Police, the Canadian Coast Guard on the Great Lakes and the Canadian Red Cross quickly came to the rescue, plucking people out of the water when their floatation devices deflated.




The children got ashore before the tide came in.涨潮前,孩子们就上岸了。

He laid hold of the rope and pulled the boat ashore.他抓住绳子拉船靠岸。


deflated解释:adj. 灰心丧气的


I was quite deflated by her lack of interest in my suggestions.他对我的建议兴趣不大,令我感到十分气馁。

He was deflated by the news.这消息令他泄气。

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