
   2024-03-08 21英语网0
核心提示:A cockatoo flies toward a puzzle box using a stick in its mouth as a tool. THE UNIVERSITY OF VETERINARY MEDICINEThe ability to use tools is

A cockatoo flies toward a puzzle box using a stick in its mouth as a tool. THE UNIVERSITY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE

The ability to use tools is rare in the animal world, yet the cockatoos have been proven capable of more than just using tools.


According to a paper published in Current Biology in February, scientists designed various tasks for a group of cockatoos. The first task was getting a nut out of a puzzle box, requiring two tools: first a short, sharp tool used to cut the membrane, then a long stick to get the nut out of a hole. Five out of 10 cockatoos were able to reach the nut.


In the following tasks, the cockatoos were observed picking up tools before doing the task, showing their ability to plan ahead. Researchers also noticed that each cockatoo had a different way of carrying and using the tools.


Using a set of tools means that the animal can “solve problems through flexibly applying some insight of a given situation,” Mark Briffa at the University of Plymouth, UK, told CNN.

英国普利茅斯大学的Mark Briffa在接受美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)采访时表示,使用一套工具意味着动物能够“根据特定情况,灵活运用洞察力解决问题”。

The great intelligence of cockatoos makes them popular pets – they can mimic sounds and dance to music. However, these smart birds may suffer from mental health issues as well. Common signs of stress and anxiety include biting and feather picking, according to the PetMD website. Biting is often regarded as a form of attack, but sometimes cockatoos bite others due to stress and fear. Feather picking can be a more serious sign that the cockatoo is unhappy. In extreme conditions, a cockatoo may pluck out all of its feathers.


Some other pets show similar troubling behaviors too. For example, according to Discover magazine, pet dogs may compulsively chew their nails or lick their bodies so much that they form ulcers. Pets crave attention, joy and excitement. As scientists learn more about animal intelligence, we should keep in mind that they may suffer from psychological illnesses just like we do.



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