
   2024-03-08 21英语网0
核心提示:Scientists try to find out what smells attract mosquitoes. TUCHONGPeople hate mosquitoes due to their blood-sucking tendencies. Scientists,
Scientists try to find out what smells attract mosquitoes. TUCHONG

People hate mosquitoes due to their blood-sucking tendencies. Scientists, too, are troubled by mosquitoes and have been researching ways to keep them away.


A team of researchers from Virginia Tech in the US looked into different kinds of soap. They invited volunteers to test how four different soap flavors attract mosquitoes.


After analyzing the mosquitoes’ behavior, the researchers discovered several chemicals in the soap that can influence the mosquitoes’ “choice of food”. Two chemicals, one with the smell of coconut and another with the scent of flowers, can keep the insects away.


The team also found that what matters to mosquitoes is not just the chemicals, but rather the combination of chemicals with each person’s smell. For example, people who attract mosquitoes can be more attractive to them after using one type of soap. They can also repel mosquitoes by using another kind of soap. The findings were “remarkable”, said senior author Clement Vinauger in a news release, adding that he would choose a coconut-scented soap to keep mosquitoes away.

研究小组还发现,对蚊子来说,不仅是化学物质本身,化学物质与个人气味结合产生的味道也会对蚊子产生影响。例如,招蚊子的人在使用某种肥皂后会更加吸引蚊子,但这些人也可以通过使用其他肥皂来驱蚊。资深作者Clement Vinauger在新闻中表示,这些发现“非常有用”,并补充道,他会选择椰子香味的肥皂来避蚊。

How these insects manage to find humans has also made scientists curious. According to a new study published in Current Biology, researchers built a “canteen” for hundreds of mosquitoes. In the 20-by-20-meter facility, there were six pads that had the smell of different humans. The pads were heated to mimic sleeping humans.


They found that the insects can track scents up to 60 meters. Also, mosquitoes are most attracted to a kind of chemical called carboxylic acid, which is usually produced by bacteria on human skin. The smell of one participant wasn’t attractive to the insects, and researchers believed it was due to the person’s diet, which is mainly plant-based foods.


By analyzing the chemicals that either attract or repel mosquitoes, scientists are able to improve mosquito repellent. With more studies, scientists believe changing a person’s diet could one day make them “mosquito-proof”. This is especially beneficial for regions where mosquitoes carry diseases, such as malaria, CNN reported.


以上 文章内容选自《21世纪英文报》高一913期

标签: 体质 蚊子
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