
   2024-03-08 21英语网0
核心提示:A blue spiral appears in the sky in January after the launch of a SpaceX spacecraft. National Astronomical Observatory of JapanA light blue
A blue spiral appears in the sky in January after the launch of a SpaceX spacecraft. National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

A light blue spiral appeared in the night sky on April 15 among the northern lights, fueling people’s interest in unidentified flying objects (UFOs). However, this time the science behind the event was simple.


The cause of the spiral was the fuel released from the SpaceX rocket that had been launched from California, US, about three hours before the spiral appeared, reported The Guardian. It was just a cloud of frozen fuel in the sky. It’s also the third spiral, as similar shapes were observed in June 2022 and January this year, both after the launch of SpaceX rockets, according to the Space Weather website.

据《卫报》报道,美国加利福尼亚州出现螺旋约三个小时前,SpaceX火箭发射升空,其释放的燃料导致螺旋的形成。人们看到的蓝色螺旋物体,其实只是天空中的一团由冰冻燃料形成的云。据“空间天气(Space Weather”网站报道,2022年6月和今年1月,在SpaceX 火箭发射后,人们都观察到了类似的形状,这已经是第三次了。

On April 16, people in Shandong province observed a green object with a long golden tail flying across the sky. Qingdao Aishan Observatory confirmed later that it was a piece of meteor. “Even the aliens are coming for the local barbecue,” an internet user joked as barbecue in Zibo, Shandong, has recently become popular.


Strange sights in the sky never cease to attract people’s interest. So what else could the “UFOs” we see in the sky be? People may believe that they have seen a UFO right before sunrise or after sunset. The “UFO” may be glowing and climbing, as if it’s getting out of Earth’s atmosphere. However, they may be just airplanes. At those times, the sky is dusky when observed from Earth, but high in the sky, there is still light that shines on the aircraft, which is why it’s glowing. Also, the shape of the airplane isn’t clear when it’s climbing, leading to confusion among observers.


Something else that can shine strangely in the sky is a noctilucent cloud, which can be mistaken as a UFO.  Usually appearing after sunset, these clouds are formed when the temperature in the atmosphere is at its lowest. Due to the high altitude, water vapor can freeze into clouds of ice crystals, which then reflect the sunlight. The reflected sunlight can reach out toward the edge of space, according to the Space website.


Sometimes, when you take a picture of the night sky in the city, weird lighted objects may appear in the picture – but you can’t see them in the sky! The “objects” are actually reflections of other lighted things, such as a lamp or street lights. The camera on smartphones usually has several layers of glass – for example, the camera on iPhone 12 has seven layers. The light goes through these layers before reaching the sensor which controls when the picture is taken.

有时候,在城市里拍摄夜空,照片中可能会出现奇怪的发光物体,但肉眼却无法观测到!这些“物体”实际上是其他发光物体反射的光,比如街上的灯光。智能手机上的摄像头通常有几层玻璃,例如iPhone 12上的摄像头就有七层。光线在到达传感器之前会穿过这些玻璃层。

In the 1940s and 50s, reports of “flying saucers” became a cultural phenomenon in the US. Sightings of strange objects in the sky became material for Hollywood and UFOs were a frequent topic in movies. This is partly why people usually think a UFO is a disk-shaped object. However, modern sci-fi movies show different types of alien spaceships.


What is your impression of a UFO? If aliens were real, what would they visit Earth for?

标签: 北极 浅蓝色
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