
   2016-09-02 沪江网0
核心提示:Photographer Tammy Swarek, from Arkansas, came up with the idea of dressing up rescue dogs to draw attention to their stories and help find new owners.来自美国阿肯色洲的摄影师Tammy Swarek想出为这些待收养的狗狗进行装扮,以希望大众关注这些狗狗的故事,帮助它们寻找新主人。


Photographer Tammy Swarek, from Arkansas, came up with the idea of dressing up rescue dogs to draw attention to their stories and help find new owners.
来自美国阿肯色洲的摄影师Tammy Swarek想出为这些待收养的狗狗进行装扮,以希望大众关注这些狗狗的故事,帮助它们寻找新主人。


Baby Girl was abandoned on the side of then highway in Union County he had been seen in the same spot for three days.
图为小狗Baby Girl,它被遗弃在联合县的高速公路旁边,被发现的时候它已经在那里呆了三天。



Gonzo was photographed in a pink and black suit and within a day he has been adopted.



Pictured is Gillian, wearing a coloured headdress.



Rubin and his siblings were abandoned in El Dorado, Arkansas and they are 10-weeks-old.



Rascal, and her brother Petey, were abandoned as pups near the railroad tracks in Union County, Arkansas.



Paxton is a Lab mix and is approximately 9-weeks-old.



Scout is a Mountain Cur Mix.



Rescue dog Mr Burns was dressed up in a suit.



Whinnie is a Dachshund and Labrador cross. In this photo, she poses for the camera wearing a flower crown and a dress.



Monnie Sue is a Chihuahua mix, aged one. She was left behind and tied to a cable when her previous owner moved out of town.
Monnie Sue是一只吉娃娃混血,一岁了。她的前任主人搬出镇子的时候她被遗弃并且被栓在电缆上。



Big Dave was brought to UCAPS over three years ago by animal control. He is approximately five years old, and has completed basic obedience training.
Big Dave三年前动物控制将他带到动物保护机构。他已经5岁了,现在已经完全服从基本训练。
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