中国驻英国大使郑泽光会见英国外交部国务大臣安妮·玛丽·特雷维扬 - Chinese Ambassador to the UK Zheng Zeguang meets with Minister of

   2023-05-25 ecns0
Ambassador Zheng made clear China's views on the current China-UK relations. He emphasised that China does not pose any challenge or threat to any country, instead, China has always been a strong force for world peace, stability and prosperity. He said that the Taiwan question is at the core of China's core interests and abiding by the one-China principle is key to ensuring the smooth development of China-UK relations. He stressed that it is important China and the UK adopt the right perception and follow the principles of mutual respect and mutual benefit so as to jointly advance the sound and steady development of China-UK relations.Ambassador Zheng made clear China's views on the current China-UK relations. He emphasised that China does not pose any challenge or threat to any country, instead, China has always been a strong force for world peace, stability and prosperity. He said that the Taiwan question is at the core of China's core interests and abiding by the one-China principle is key to ensuring the smooth development of China-UK relations. He stressed that it is important China and the UK adopt the right perception and follow the principles of mutual respect and mutual benefit so as to jointly advance the sound and steady development of China-UK relations.
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