Xi呼吁努力推动新时期审计工作高质量发展 - Xi calls for efforts to further the high-quality development of audit work in

   2023-05-25 ecns0
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, head of the Central Auditing Commission under the 20th CPC Central Committee, on the afternoon of May 23, presided over the commission's first meeting. In an important speech delivered at the meeting, Xi stressed that audit work is an important mission on the new journey of building China into a great modern socialist country and advancing national rejuvenation.Audit work must base its major endeavors on the supervision of economic issues and focus on performing its own responsibilities and doing its own work well to better play its unique role in promoting the Party's self-reform, Xi said. To do a good job in its work, the new auditing commission must uphold as its guide the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly study and implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, fully and accurately carry out the new development philosophy on all fronts, place focus on issues of overall, long-term and strategic nature, strengthen strategic planning and top-level design in auditing field, and facilitate the high-quality development of audit work in a new era, so as to serve and safeguard the overall work of the Party and the country with strong and effective auditing supervision.Premier Li Qiang, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and deputy head of the Central Auditing Commission, attended the meeting and so did Li Xi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC, and also deputy head of the commission.The office of the Central Auditing Commission made reports to the meeting on auditing of the execution of central budgets and other fiscal expenditures in 2022, and suggestions on promoting high-quality development of audit work in the new era.It was stressed at the meeting that audit work is an integral part of the Party's and national supervision system, and plays a major role in promoting the modernization of national governance systems and capacities. Since the 19th CPC National Congress, under the centralized, unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Auditing Commission has promoted restructuring of auditing institution in a systematic and holistic manner, developed a new auditing institution in line with China's conditions, and as a result made historic achievements and achieved historic transformation. First, the reform of the audit management system has been further promoted, and the centralized, unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee over audit work has been constantly refined, substantiated and institutionalized. Second, our understanding of the regularity of the audit work under socialism with Chinese characteristics has been deepened. Third, the consciousness has been raised that audit work must serve and dovetail with the overall work of the Party and the country, and as a result audit work's unique supervisory role has become even more manifest. Fourth, the overall paradigm of audit rectification is taking shape, and the general application and coordination of audit results has become more smooth, authoritative and efficient.It was noted at the meeting that to improve audit work in the new era and on our new journey, the general requirement is that more efforts must be made in building a centralized and unified, authoritative and efficient audit oversight system covering all areas, and in allowing audit work to play a greater supervisory role. Just like arms employ fingers without any difficulty, we should enhance the political nature and functions of audit work, and do a good job in accurately and thoroughly understanding and implementing the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee. Audit supervision must cover all local governments, departments, and institutions that manage public funds, state-owned assets and resources without exception, so as to produce a normalized and dynamic deterrent effect. Audit work must be law-based and supported by research efforts. All auditors should carry forward fighting spirit and build up the capability to grapple with tough challenges, so as to form a "special task force" in the supervision of economic work. The meeting also calls for cooperation and coordination with other forms of supervision to create a synergy in this regard.Solid audit work was urged at the meeting for this year, which should highlight intensified auditing of prominent issues, and facilitate the implementation of the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee. With focus on the top tasks of high-quality development, supervision on the implementation of major projects, major strategies and major measures should be strengthened. With emphasis placed on keeping economic growth, employment and prices stable, government funds must be placed under tight oversight, and the auditing must be intensified over the implementation of the package of policies to stabilize the economy. We must focus on the development of the real economy, step up auditing of financial support for it and the implementation of relief and support policies for enterprises, and ensure efforts to unswervingly consolidate and develop the public sector and to unswervingly encourage, support, and guide the development of the non-public sector.It is essential to ensure that the basic living needs of all residents are met, focus on the pressing and realistic issues that concern them most, and encourage the implementation of policies that benefit them. We need to coordinate development with security, pay close attention to key areas such as local government debt, finance, real estate, food and energy, so as to prevent systemic risks. We will concentrate on the proper exercise of power, give full play to the important role of audit work in combating corruption, and resolutely crack down on corruption where political and economic problems are intertwined, on graft in areas with concentrated power, intensive capital and rich resources, and on corrupt officials that directly affect the people's livelihood.It was stressed at the meeting that rectification of problems identified during the second stage of auditing is as important as its first stage of detecting problems, and both stages must be carried out in a coordinated manner. The oversight of rectification in auditing should be handled as pivot for daily supervision, and audit results should be used as an important reference for assessment of officials' performance, as well as their promotion or removal, and reward or punishment. Those who fail to deliver, are perfunctory or cheat in this regard must be strictly held to account.It was noted at the meeting that this year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the National Audit Office. The CPC Central Committee expects much of audit work. Those working in this sector must carry forward the fine traditions and conduct of auditing, build professional ethics and become more competent. It is imperative to strictly govern the Party and audit work in an all-round way, carry out extensive theoretical study program and the education and rectification of the audit team, so as to build a team of high-quality and professional auditors who are loyal to the Party, clean and responsible.Party committees at all levels are required to earnestly shoulder their political responsibilities and improve their leadership over audit work. Leading officials must take care of audit work themselves and give full play to the role of the Central Auditing Commission in taking the lead in overall planning and coordination.Members of the Central Auditing Commission attended the meeting, and leading officials of the relevant central Party and government departments were also present.Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, head of the Central Auditing Commission under the 20th CPC Central Committee, on the afternoon of May 23, presided over the commission's first meeting. In an important speech delivered at the meeting, Xi stressed that audit work is an important mission on the new journey of building China into a great modern socialist country and advancing national rejuvenation.Audit work must base its major endeavors on the supervision of economic issues and focus on performing its own responsibilities and doing its own work well to better play its unique role in promoting the Party's self-reform, Xi said. To do a good job in its work, the new auditing commission must uphold as its guide the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly study and implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, fully and accurately carry out the new development philosophy on all fronts, place focus on issues of overall, long-term and strategic nature, strengthen strategic planning and top-level design in auditing field, and facilitate the high-quality development of audit work in a new era, so as to serve and safeguard the overall work of the Party and the country with strong and effective auditing supervision.Premier Li Qiang, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and deputy head of the Central Auditing Commission, attended the meeting and so did Li Xi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC, and also deputy head of the commission.The office of the Central Auditing Commission made reports to the meeting on auditing of the execution of central budgets and other fiscal expenditures in 2022, and suggestions on promoting high-quality development of audit work in the new era.It was stressed at the meeting that audit work is an integral part of the Party's and national supervision system, and plays a major role in promoting the modernization of national governance systems and capacities. Since the 19th CPC National Congress, under the centralized, unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Auditing Commission has promoted restructuring of auditing institution in a systematic and holistic manner, developed a new auditing institution in line with China's conditions, and as a result made historic achievements and achieved historic transformation. First, the reform of the audit management system has been further promoted, and the centralized, unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee over audit work has been constantly refined, substantiated and institutionalized. Second, our understanding of the regularity of the audit work under socialism with Chinese characteristics has been deepened. Third, the consciousness has been raised that audit work must serve and dovetail with the overall work of the Party and the country, and as a result audit work's unique supervisory role has become even more manifest. Fourth, the overall paradigm of audit rectification is taking shape, and the general application and coordination of audit results has become more smooth, authoritative and efficient.It was noted at the meeting that to improve audit work in the new era and on our new journey, the general requirement is that more efforts must be made in building a centralized and unified, authoritative and efficient audit oversight system covering all areas, and in allowing audit work to play a greater supervisory role. Just like arms employ fingers without any difficulty, we should enhance the political nature and functions of audit work, and do a good job in accurately and thoroughly understanding and implementing the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee. Audit supervision must cover all local governments, departments, and institutions that manage public funds, state-owned assets and resources without exception, so as to produce a normalized and dynamic deterrent effect. Audit work must be law-based and supported by research efforts. All auditors should carry forward fighting spirit and build up the capability to grapple with tough challenges, so as to form a "special task force" in the supervision of economic work. The meeting also calls for cooperation and coordination with other forms of supervision to create a synergy in this regard.Solid audit work was urged at the meeting for this year, which should highlight intensified auditing of prominent issues, and facilitate the implementation of the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee. With focus on the top tasks of high-quality development, supervision on the implementation of major projects, major strategies and major measures should be strengthened. With emphasis placed on keeping economic growth, employment and prices stable, government funds must be placed under tight oversight, and the auditing must be intensified over the implementation of the package of policies to stabilize the economy. We must focus on the development of the real economy, step up auditing of financial support for it and the implementation of relief and support policies for enterprises, and ensure efforts to unswervingly consolidate and develop the public sector and to unswervingly encourage, support, and guide the development of the non-public sector.It is essential to ensure that the basic living needs of all residents are met, focus on the pressing and realistic issues that concern them most, and encourage the implementation of policies that benefit them. We need to coordinate development with security, pay close attention to key areas such as local government debt, finance, real estate, food and energy, so as to prevent systemic risks. We will concentrate on the proper exercise of power, give full play to the important role of audit work in combating corruption, and resolutely crack down on corruption where political and economic problems are intertwined, on graft in areas with concentrated power, intensive capital and rich resources, and on corrupt officials that directly affect the people's livelihood.It was stressed at the meeting that rectification of problems identified during the second stage of auditing is as important as its first stage of detecting problems, and both stages must be carried out in a coordinated manner. The oversight of rectification in auditing should be handled as pivot for daily supervision, and audit results should be used as an important reference for assessment of officials' performance, as well as their promotion or removal, and reward or punishment. Those who fail to deliver, are perfunctory or cheat in this regard must be strictly held to account.It was noted at the meeting that this year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the National Audit Office. The CPC Central Committee expects much of audit work. Those working in this sector must carry forward the fine traditions and conduct of auditing, build professional ethics and become more competent. It is imperative to strictly govern the Party and audit work in an all-round way, carry out extensive theoretical study program and the education and rectification of the audit team, so as to build a team of high-quality and professional auditors who are loyal to the Party, clean and responsible.Party committees at all levels are required to earnestly shoulder their political responsibilities and improve their leadership over audit work. Leading officials must take care of audit work themselves and give full play to the role of the Central Auditing Commission in taking the lead in overall planning and coordination.Members of the Central Auditing Commission attended the meeting, and leading officials of the relevant central Party and government departments were also present.
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