
   2016-09-02 21英语网0
核心提示:This weekend saw one of the biggest street parties in the world take over London, with crowds of around a million people

This weekend saw one of the biggest street parties in the world take over London, with crowds of around a million people flooding the streets with a *vibrant sea of music, song and laughter.

The Notting Hill Carnival, which took place Aug 28-29, is recognized as the largest street party in Europe, seeing *hordes from across the globe join together every summer to celebrate the many cultures of England’s capital.

But in these troubled times – with terrorist attacks, murder and religious tension being almost daily front page fixtures –is it appropriate to be spending the weekend dancing in the streets with wild abandon?

“Against adversity, people must stand up for themselves,” says Patrick Bullock, 53, an artist who builds floats for the parade each year.

“The smiles and dancing do not stop all weekend – the spirit of the carnival can’t be crushed.”

The festival, now in its 50th year, made its debut in 1966, *albeit on a much smaller scale – around 1,000 people attended – and began as a way to encourage unity between the various groups who called London’s Notting Hill their home.

Creator Rhaune Laslett, herself half Native-American, half Russian, *formulated the first gathering in 1966, after being inspired by a vision. “I could see the streets thronged with people in brightly colored costumes, they were dancing and following bands and they were happy,” she told the Caribbean Times in 1989.“Men, women, children, black, white, brown, all laughing.”
狂欢节的创始人,Rhaune Laslett 是美国印第安和俄罗斯的混血。受到一次幻想的启发,她在1966年策划了第一届狂欢节。“我可以看见,人们身着鲜艳亮丽的服饰涌上街头,他们随着乐队起舞,无比快乐,”1989年,她在接受《加勒比时报》采访时表示。“不论男人、女人、小孩、黑人、白人、棕色人种,都在尽情欢笑。”

During what was then a period of racial tension, Laslett believed that music and laughter were what was needed to unite the melting pot of nationalities in her west London neighborhood.
当时的社会正处于种族关系紧张之中,而Laslett 相信,唯有音乐和笑声能够使伦敦西区不同民族的大熔炉团结在一起。

“We felt that although West Indians, Africans, Irish and many other nationalities all live in a very *congested area, there is very little communication between us,” she explained in an interview in 1966, shortly after the first carnival took place.

Over the years, the party grew into its modern day form and now sees the streets swell with the sound of Caribbean steel drums, the aroma of *exotic street food, and the dancing of hundreds of thousands of diverse partygoers in fabulously *flamboyant costumes.

“Our participants find themselves in a space of music, color and creativity which brings about the emotion of joy and encourages the freedom to express themselves with no *inhibitions,” says Debora Alleyne De Gazon, the carnival’s creative director.
“我们的参与者们会发现,自己正身处于一个充满音乐、色彩和创造力的空间。它带给了人们欢乐,鼓励人们肆意地表达自己。”狂欢节的创意总监Debora Allenyne De Gazon 说道。

However, not everyone is queuing up to join in the festivities, despite the carnival’s all-inclusive *ethos.

“I can’t go out from my door on that day with all the rubbish around,” Fortuoso Cruz, a local resident, tells a London newspaper. “Last year I had to throw some women out who trampled my garden to *wee in there.”
“那一天垃圾遍地,我甚至都不能走出家门,”当地居民Fortuoso Cruz在接受伦敦的一家报纸采访时表示。“去年还有一些女的踩踏我家的花园,随地小便,我不得不将她们都轰出去。”

But when a million people can come together for one weekend of eating, laughter and music – forgetting about life’s troubles for 48 hours – perhaps a few soiled lawns are a price worth paying.

标签: 狂欢节 烦恼
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