宝宝出生哭声自带口音全球大不同 讲真!

   2016-08-26 沪江网0
核心提示:Long before they’re  making their linguistic debut, babies are watching, listening, processing, their little brains

Long before they’re  making their linguistic debut, babies are watching, listening, processing, their little brains working furiously to make sense of the world.

But new research shows that they’re participating. From the moment they’re born, babies are, in their own way, communicating in the language of their families: Even before they have words, they have accents.

In a pair of studies led by Kathleen Wermke, who runs the Center for Pre-speech Development and Developmental Disorders at the University of Würzburg in Germany, researchers ran acoustical analyses on more than 6,000 cries, collected from infants during their first week of life.

In the first, published in the Journal of Voice, they focused on babies born to German and Mandarin-speaking Chinese families. In the second, published in Speech, Language and Hearing, they compared the cries of German babies to those of babies from Nso families in Cameroon, who speak Lamnso.

Unlike German (and English), both Mandarin and Lamnso are both tonal languages, in which a single combination of sounds can create multiple words; the meaning of a spoken word changes depending on the pitch the speaker uses.

Accordingly, the Chinese and Nso babies both cried more melodically than their German counterparts: their pitches reached higher highs and lower lows, and their cries also fluctuated in pitch more quickly.

Together, the two studies suggest that babies are learning the nuances of speech even before they’re born, absorbing information about pitch from their mothers while still in the womb.

标签: 自带 口音
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