
   2016-08-23 沪江网0
核心提示:1. Royal Gorge Bridge, Colorado, USA美国科罗拉多洲,皇家峡谷大桥This bridge was created in 1929. It is located in Canon

1. Royal Gorge Bridge, Colorado, USA

This bridge was created in 1929. It is located in Canon City. The bridge was considered to be the world’s highest until 2003, the year when a man attempted a flyover in a wingsuit. The attempt led to the person’s death.

2. Mackinac Bridge, Michigan, USA

This bridge is over 26,000 feet long. Around 200 feet below the bridge there is water. It is the 5th longest suspension bridge on the planet. Car drivers avoid crossing the bridge since winds might be as strong as 30 mph and make the structure swing and move.

3. Chesapeake Bay Bridge, Maryland, USA

The bridge is over 200 foot high and more than 22,000 foot long. Drivers know how hard it is to cross the bridge when the weather outside is stormy, windy and rainy. The structure becomes a dangerous place due to poor visibility.

4. Sidu River Bridge, Hubei Province, China

Hubei Province is famous for its Sidu River Bridge. It was opened in 2009 and was once the highest bridge in the world – 1,500 feet above the ground.

5. Deception Pass Bridge, Washington, USA

Whidbey Island and Fidalgo are interlinked by the 2-lane Deception Pass Bridge. The pedestrian lane is so narrow that only the brave would dare walk over it! Drivers would also feel uncomfortable while driving across the bridge in fog. Look down and you will see the wild waters below – the view is truly terrifying.

6. Captain William Moore Bridge, Alaska, USA

This bridge is unique for a few reasons. The structure was built in 1976. It was named for William Moore – a captain, trader, pilot and prospector. The bridge spans 110-foot over Moore Creek Gorge and crosses an active earthquake fault.

7. Bamboo Bridge, Kampong Cham, Cambodia

Kampong Cham is a city located on the Mekong. This one-way bamboo bridge links the city with the island. It causes problems to get to the island during the rainy season. Then the only way to reach it is by boat. During the dry season people cross the bridge to get to their villages and rice fields.


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