
   2016-08-10 沪江网0
核心提示:Most of us have, at some point in time, been told we have a doppelgänger - someone out there who looks just like us. Bu

Most of us have, at some point in time, been told we have a doppelgänger - someone out there who looks just like us. But what are the chances, scientifically speaking, of that happening?

According to the research, having an exact doppelgänger is less likely than you might think. A study crunched the numbers and investigated the probability of two people matching up exactly in eight key facial features.

They found that there's about a one in 135 chance that a pair of complete doppelgängers exist somewhere in the world. But the likelihood of someone walking around looking identical to you, specifically, in all eight facial features is only one in 1 trillion. Creepy, but not very likely.

So why do people keep telling you they saw someone that looks "just like you" if that's so statistically unlikely?

The issue here is that people can perceive faces differently. This means that – even though a person might not be a true doppelgänger – we might think they are because we cannot calculate the minuscule measurements of their facial features.

In other words, it's quite likely to have a doppelgänger out there that your friends think looks exactly the same as you, but if you were to analyse their features scientifically, it's unlikely they'd be a true match.

While the findings are just plain cool to think about, the team also says that they suggest that facial recognition might be as good as fingerprinting or DNA in catching wanted criminals.

标签: 第二个 真有
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