高手过招:8种疯狂武器 抄起宝宝攻击孩子他爸

   2016-08-10 沪江网0


1. The mom who swung her BABY like a baseball bat at her boyfriend

18-year-old Tatyana Allen swung her six-month-old son at her boyfriend during an altercation in Daytona Beach, Florida. She then dropped the baby onto the sand, and the boyfriend, believed to be the boy's father, picked the infant up. The child was taken to a hospital where he was reportedly doing fine.

Officers arrested Allen on charges of battery and infliction of physical/mental injury on a child. She is currently being held at the Volusia County jail on a $30,000 bond. Needless to say, the child is no longer in her custody.

2. The director who was assaulted with an air conditioner

During the filming of Transformers: Age of Extinction in Hong Kong in 2013, director Michael Bay was assaulted with an unlikely weapon—an air conditioner.

On the first day of shooting, two brothers approached the director, demanding $100,000HK (about $13,000 USD). During the discussion, one of the brothers attacked Bay, and then attacked three police officers, before being placed under arrest. The men were rumored to be members of a Triad—a network of Chinese crime organizations, much like a Chinese mafia—seeking a "disturbance fee."

3. The rapper who was charged with assault with a kettlebell

Rapper Sean "Diddy" Combs, father of UCLA Bruins football player Justin Combs, was arrested for swinging a kettlebell at a university intern and an assistant football coach in January 2015.

Diddy faced three counts of assault with a deadly weapon, battery, and "making terrorist threats." He was held in jail before being released on $160,000 bail.

4. The couple who assaulted each other with pizza rolls

Samantha Brooke Canipe, 21, and Brad Scott Beard, 24, were each charged with one count of misdemeanor simple assault for throwing pizza rolls at each other. A motive in the incident remains uncertain. Beard faces 60 days in jail, and Canipe faces 30.

5. The man who murdered a pastor with an electric guitar

In 2012, Derrick Anthony Birdow, 33, rammed his car into a Fort Worth-area church then beat Rev. Danny Kirk Sr. to death with an electric guitar. Police used a stun gun on Birdow, who was later found unresponsive in a patrol car and pronounced dead at a local hospital.

Birdow's widow said she didn't know of a motive behind her husband's actions, but described him as "sick, really sick ... mentally ill. Even these last couple of days (before the attack) he was trying to get help, but he didn't get it." She did not say when he started showing signs of a mental illness.

6. The woman who murdered an elderly neighbor with a crucifix

This entry is something out of a horror movie—a pharmacist murdered her elderly next-door neighbor with, of all things, a crucifix.

Karen Walsh, 45, killed Maire Rankin, 81, in the early hours of Christmas Day, 2008. Walsh flew into a drunken rage and struck the defenseless, frail, and vulnerable grandmother after Rankin scolded her for drinking and not being at home with her child. Walsh was convicted of murder by a jury in 2011, following a trial in which she protested her innocence.

7. The woman who used a 2x4 as a weapon in a fight

In July 2016, Memphis resident Eulisa Tyus used a 2x4 piece of lumber as a weapon in a fight with another woman. According to an arrest report, Tyus struck her with wood that had a nail sticking out of it. The victim had cuts on both her left and right sides. Tyus has been booked into the Shelby County jail. A motive is still unknown.

8. The man who pointed a banana at police

In 2014, Nathan Rolf Channing, 27, faced a felony menacing charge for pointing a banana at Colorado sheriffs deputies.

Mesa County deputies Joshua Bunch and Donald Love said Channing pointed the fruit at them while crossing a street. The deputies said they feared for their lives, even though they saw that the object was yellow.


标签: 武器 疯狂
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