1336个村落被列入第六批中国传统村落名录China adds 1,336 traditional villages to state protection list

   2023-03-23 中国日报网英语点津0
核心提示:住房和城乡建设部近日发布通知,北京市房山区史家营乡柳林水村等1336个村落被列入第六批中国传统村落名录。至此,全国已有8155个传统村落列入国家级保护名录。 P


People camping at an agriculture park in Wuyi village of Beibei district, Chongqing, March 19, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]


China has added 1,336 traditional villages to the state protection list amid efforts to promote heritage conservation, according to a notice from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.



The ministry, together with five other government organs, has so far brought a total of 8,155 traditional villages under state protection in six batches.



The ministry urged the localities to establish and improve the archives of traditional villages, and guide the villages to draw up protection plans to strengthen the protection and utilization of the villages, according to the notice.



China launched a survey of traditional villages in 2012. Thanks to years of continuous effort, by 2020, the country had successfully brought 539,000 historic buildings and traditional dwellings under protection, and inherited and developed 4,789 items of intangible cultural heritage at or above the provincial level.




联合国世界旅游组织“最佳旅游乡村”Best Tourism Villages of 2022 by UNWTO

中轴线保护  Central Axis protection

中华五千年文明 the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization

文化软实力 cultural soft power

文物保护利用  protection and utilization of cultural relics


(来源:新华社  编辑:yaning)

标签: 热词 村落
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