中国现代化激励了许多发展中国家:国际媒体在两会上 - Chinese modernization inspires many developing countries: international m

   2023-03-14 ecns0
(ECNS) -- During the just-concluded "two sessions," the world kept a close eye on how the annual event would devise China's development and promote its people's well-being for the years ahead.As a window for the world to observe China's development and progress, the two sessions, convened by its top legislature and top political advisory body, have a number of buzzwords: whole-process people's democracy, Chinese modernization, high-quality development, Belt and Road Initiative, etc.Many international media that reported onsite voiced hope to introduce China's development experience to the world after witnessing China's progress.Egypt Journalist from Rose al-Yūsuf told China News Service that the "Chinese path to modernization will inspire many countries, especially developing countries.""I think it's a great idea and the Chinese economy will have a big impact on all over the world," she added."It can give me a chance to see how the Chinese political system is running and where China will go," FazanLee, South Korean journalist with Chosun Daily said.Fazan Lee told CNS that he can see that China is working hard to overcome many challenges like COVID-19. "I can feel the move. This is the time to recover. After two sessions, China will have more efficiency," he added.Hungarian journalist Brem-Nagy Marton noted that he was overwhelmed while covering the two sessions, because "there are almost 3,000 people who are voting today.""The opening up is particularly interesting for me because China and Hungary have a really good relationship in terms of economic cooperation," he added.Lebanese journalist Mahdi Dirani pointed out that he hopes to show the audience a real China. "China has several places where people don't know much about. As a journalist, we should more focus on these places because it's very important to the audience about the real China," he said.A journalist from the Bombay Courier said "Chinese economy has grown many fold, but some countries are ignoring it. That's a fact. China is helping other countries to develop their basic infrastructure. It is very commendable."Amanuel, a journalist from Eritrea Profile, told CNS that he is especially interested in how China further enhances the Belt and Road Initiative."The relationship between China and Africa is strong. China managed to broker a peace agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran. This is what the world needs to follow how China promotes the world peace and stability," he said.Uzbek journalist Ruslan Kenzhayev said "I saw with my own eyes how the election process has become in China. I saw how people have deputies giving their votes and how they accept the decision.""I hear about high-quality development. It means China becomes one of the countries which are developing with green power," he added.Agriculture industries, talents key to rural revitalization: two session deputies"Two Sessions" Advisory: NPC to end session, Premier to meet press on March 15(ECNS) -- During the just-concluded "two sessions," the world kept a close eye on how the annual event would devise China's development and promote its people's well-being for the years ahead.As a window for the world to observe China's development and progress, the two sessions, convened by its top legislature and top political advisory body, have a number of buzzwords: whole-process people's democracy, Chinese modernization, high-quality development, Belt and Road Initiative, etc.Many international media that reported onsite voiced hope to introduce China's development experience to the world after witnessing China's progress.Egypt Journalist from Rose al-Yūsuf told China News Service that the "Chinese path to modernization will inspire many countries, especially developing countries.""I think it's a great idea and the Chinese economy will have a big impact on all over the world," she added."It can give me a chance to see how the Chinese political system is running and where China will go," FazanLee, South Korean journalist with Chosun Daily said.Fazan Lee told CNS that he can see that China is working hard to overcome many challenges like COVID-19. "I can feel the move. This is the time to recover. After two sessions, China will have more efficiency," he added.Hungarian journalist Brem-Nagy Marton noted that he was overwhelmed while covering the two sessions, because "there are almost 3,000 people who are voting today.""The opening up is particularly interesting for me because China and Hungary have a really good relationship in terms of economic cooperation," he added.Lebanese journalist Mahdi Dirani pointed out that he hopes to show the audience a real China. "China has several places where people don't know much about. As a journalist, we should more focus on these places because it's very important to the audience about the real China," he said.A journalist from the Bombay Courier said "Chinese economy has grown many fold, but some countries are ignoring it. That's a fact. China is helping other countries to develop their basic infrastructure. It is very commendable."Amanuel, a journalist from Eritrea Profile, told CNS that he is especially interested in how China further enhances the Belt and Road Initiative."The relationship between China and Africa is strong. China managed to broker a peace agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran. This is what the world needs to follow how China promotes the world peace and stability," he said.Uzbek journalist Ruslan Kenzhayev said "I saw with my own eyes how the election process has become in China. I saw how people have deputies giving their votes and how they accept the decision.""I hear about high-quality development. It means China becomes one of the countries which are developing with green power," he added.Agriculture industries, talents key to rural revitalization: two session deputies"Two Sessions" Advisory: NPC to end session, Premier to meet press on March 15
标签: ECNS Wire
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