伊朗赞扬中国在德黑兰-利雅得缓和中的重要作用 - Iran hails China's important role in Tehran-Riyadh detente

   2023-03-14 ecns0
核心提示:伊朗外交部周一表示,中国在恢复德利关系方面发挥的重要作用是北京努力确保中东和平、稳定与安全的一部分。通过接待伊朗和沙特阿拉伯代表团以及双方交换信息,中国以善意、,外交部发言人纳赛尔·卡纳尼(Nasser Kanani)在接受记者采访时表示,为实现伊朗和沙特阿拉伯之间的协议,举行了一次成功的会议
China's important role in resuming Tehran-Riyadh relations is part of Beijing's efforts to help ensure peace, stability and security in the Middle East, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said Monday.By hosting the Iranian and Saudi Arabian delegations and exchanging messages between the two sides, China managed to prepare the ground, with goodwill, for holding a successful meeting for the achievement of the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the ministry's spokesperson Nasser Kanaani told a weekly press conference.Iran always praises such roles, as ensuring peace, stability and security in the region is contributing to safeguarding the collective interests of all countries that seek their benefits in stability and security, Kanaani said, adding that the Chinese government's role served the common good and all sides' interests.With their ties returning to normalcy, Tehran and Riyadh, by expanding their cooperation, cannot only serve their own interests, but also have a favorable impact on enhancing regional cooperation and convergence, he said, adding the agreement will also have positive influence in the international arena.China, Saudi Arabia and Iran on Friday announced that the latter two have reached a deal that includes the agreement to resume diplomatic relations and reopen embassies and missions within two months.Musaad bin Mohammed Al-Aiban, Saudi Arabia's minister of state, member of the Council of Ministers, and national security adviser, led the Saudi delegation, and Admiral Ali Shamkhani, secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, led the Iranian delegation during talks in Beijing from March 6 to 10, according to a trilateral statement from China, Saudi Arabia and Iran.China's important role in resuming Tehran-Riyadh relations is part of Beijing's efforts to help ensure peace, stability and security in the Middle East, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said Monday.By hosting the Iranian and Saudi Arabian delegations and exchanging messages between the two sides, China managed to prepare the ground, with goodwill, for holding a successful meeting for the achievement of the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the ministry's spokesperson Nasser Kanaani told a weekly press conference.Iran always praises such roles, as ensuring peace, stability and security in the region is contributing to safeguarding the collective interests of all countries that seek their benefits in stability and security, Kanaani said, adding that the Chinese government's role served the common good and all sides' interests.With their ties returning to normalcy, Tehran and Riyadh, by expanding their cooperation, cannot only serve their own interests, but also have a favorable impact on enhancing regional cooperation and convergence, he said, adding the agreement will also have positive influence in the international arena.China, Saudi Arabia and Iran on Friday announced that the latter two have reached a deal that includes the agreement to resume diplomatic relations and reopen embassies and missions within two months.Musaad bin Mohammed Al-Aiban, Saudi Arabia's minister of state, member of the Council of Ministers, and national security adviser, led the Saudi delegation, and Admiral Ali Shamkhani, secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, led the Iranian delegation during talks in Beijing from March 6 to 10, according to a trilateral statement from China, Saudi Arabia and Iran.
标签: Politics
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