欧盟考虑向乌克兰提供更多军事支持 - EU considers sending more military support to Ukraine

   2023-03-09 ecns0
核心提示:周三,在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩举行的一次非正式会议上,欧盟(EU)国防部长讨论了向乌克兰提供进一步军事支持的想法。瑞典国防部长帕尔·琼森(Pal Jonson)在会后发布的一段视频中表示:“各方越来越一致认为,欧盟需要采取行动,为乌克兰人提供更多弹药。”
European Union (EU) defense ministers on Wednesday discussed the idea of sending further military support to Ukraine, at an informal meeting in the Swedish capital Stockholm."There was increasing consensus around the table that the EU needs to act in order to provide the Ukrainians with more ammunition," Sweden's Minister for Defense Pal Jonson said in a video released after the meeting.The defense ministers discussed a plan by Josep Borrell, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, for the EU to reimburse member states who immediately send more artillery ammunition to Ukraine.Under the plan, member states would also jointly purchase large quantities of ammunition through the European Defense Agency, to speed up deliveries while keeping costs down.The EU plans to allocate two billion euros (2.1 billion U.S. dollars) from the European Peace Facility to the purchase of ammunition."I hope that by our next defense ministers' meeting on March 20 in Brussels we actually will be able to reach an agreement," Jonson said after the meeting.European Union (EU) defense ministers on Wednesday discussed the idea of sending further military support to Ukraine, at an informal meeting in the Swedish capital Stockholm."There was increasing consensus around the table that the EU needs to act in order to provide the Ukrainians with more ammunition," Sweden's Minister for Defense Pal Jonson said in a video released after the meeting.The defense ministers discussed a plan by Josep Borrell, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, for the EU to reimburse member states who immediately send more artillery ammunition to Ukraine.Under the plan, member states would also jointly purchase large quantities of ammunition through the European Defense Agency, to speed up deliveries while keeping costs down.The EU plans to allocate two billion euros (2.1 billion U.S. dollars) from the European Peace Facility to the purchase of ammunition."I hope that by our next defense ministers' meeting on March 20 in Brussels we actually will be able to reach an agreement," Jonson said after the meeting.
标签: Military
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