川普希拉里掐的火热 他俩的女儿竟是闺蜜?!

   2016-08-10 沪江网0




When Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump were introduced by their husbands a few years ago, they clicked immediately — the two famous daughters swanned around Manhattan together for a time, posing on the red carpet at events like the Glamour Women of the Year Awards where they laughed and embraced for the cameras.

Swan around的意思是“闲逛”,就像鹅在水上漫无目的地转来转去。


While the election ramps up and the Clinton-verses-Trump claws come out, Trump says he hopes Ivanka and Chelsea can remain friends. The two became friends through their parents, who were once on friendly terms.

Ramp up的字面意思是“走上坡路”,表示“逐渐升高”的意思,需要根据语境来确定如何翻译。


"Friendship is always more important than politics." Chelsea said. And Ivanka said “We're both incredibly supportive of our parents, as we should be. But we also continue to have great respect for one another.”

感觉这已经不只是友谊的小船了,这应该是友谊的粉红色限量版豪华游艇。不过,她们具体是怎样诠释friendship is always more important than politics以及great respect for one another的呢?

"I don't expect Ivanka to always have to defend her father," Chelsea said. "I mean I think it's clear that Mr. Trump is running his campaign and saying what he thinks is important in this election ... my mother's not engaging in divisive, bigoted rhetoric."

Be engaging in的意思是“与什么有关系”。


标签: 拉里 女儿
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