中国将稳定粮食产量,促进乡村振兴:报告 - China to stabilize grain output, boost rural revitalization: report

   2023-03-05 ecns0
China aims to stabilize grain output and advance rural revitalization this year, according to a government work report submitted Sunday to the national legislature for deliberation.The country plans to keep total grain acreage at a stable level and launch a new drive to increase grain production capacity by 50 million tonnes, the report said.China will also invigorate the seed industry and support the development of agricultural science, technology, and equipment, it said.The report also called for fostering rural industries with local features to create more channels for increasing rural incomes."Our achievements in poverty alleviation should be consolidated and expanded to prevent large-scale relapse into poverty," it said.China aims to stabilize grain output and advance rural revitalization this year, according to a government work report submitted Sunday to the national legislature for deliberation.The country plans to keep total grain acreage at a stable level and launch a new drive to increase grain production capacity by 50 million tonnes, the report said.China will also invigorate the seed industry and support the development of agricultural science, technology, and equipment, it said.The report also called for fostering rural industries with local features to create more channels for increasing rural incomes."Our achievements in poverty alleviation should be consolidated and expanded to prevent large-scale relapse into poverty," it said.
标签: Economy
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