
   2016-07-26 21英语网0
核心提示:A free ice cream bar, with three flavors and a dozen of *toppings to choose from, sounds like a summer’s dream come tru

A free ice cream bar, with three flavors and a dozen of *toppings to choose from, sounds like a summer’s dream come true.

And that’s exactly what the ice cream brand Magnum is offering visitors to its newly opened pop-up store in Beijing. The bad news? You need to queue for up to two hours to get into the store.

This isn’t the first time Magnum has launched a pop-up store with customizable ice cream. According to Event magazine, Magnum started the campaign in 2014 to celebrate its 25th birthday. The store in Beijing was modeled after similar ones in major *metropolises including London, New York and Paris.

The campaign is obviously a *crafty promotion to get people to buy more ice cream, but it also shows brands like Magnum trying to adapt to shifting consumer trends. Nowadays, people expect ice cream to fit into a health-conscious lifestyle, so brands alter their ingredients and services to satisfy this demand.

According to Reuters, the British household company Unilever, for example, is increasing its production of low-fat and dairy-free ice cream, made of *almond, coconut or rice milk. The US ice cream brand Ben & Jerry’s announced last June it would launch a non-dairy line.

Nestle, meanwhile, launched “Simply Yoghurt” bars, which it says have only 90 calories each. These bars are aimed at competing against other low-calorie brands like Skinny Cow and Dreyer’s Slow Churned.
雀巢同时也出品了“纯酸奶”雪糕,称每个只有90卡路里,希望能和其他低卡品牌如“Skinny Cow”和醉尔斯的“Slow Churned”相抗衡。

With consumers cutting back on processed foods high in fat and sugar, ice cream makers are increasingly promoting their products as small treats, offering new, more *exotic flavor experiences.

The Magnum pop-up store in Beijing, for instance, offers *bizarre toppings such as rose *petals, chili pepper and sea salt. British brand Sheridan & Co released an ice cream capsule last April that it says contains Omega 3, more commonly known as a brain booster.
比如,位于北京的梦龙限定店提供了一些奇特的配料如玫瑰花瓣、红辣椒以及海盐等。英国品牌Sheridan & Co 于去年4月推出了一款冰淇淋胶囊,声称该产品含有被广泛认为有助于脑力发育的欧米茄3。

“People either want unprocessed ice cream with *latent, functional health benefits, or people are of the mindset: If I’m gonna have some ice cream, it’s gotta be the good stuff,” Alex Beckett, an analyst at the market research provider Mintel, told Reuters.

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