霸权是美国处理国际规则和事务的标志:中国FM - Hegemony the hallmark of U.S. approach to international rules, affairs: Chi

   2023-02-22 ecns0
(ECNS) -- Facts have fully proven that the U.S. is the top disruptor of international rules and order, and hegemony is the hallmark of its approach to international rules and international affairs, a Chinese spokesperson said on Tuesday."China is a defender of the international order. We always firmly safeguard the UN-centered international system, the international order based on international law and the basic norms of international relations underpinned by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. It is the U.S., not China, that undermines and tramples on international rules and order," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at the regular press conference in Beijing.Xinhua News Agency released a report yesterday entitled U.S. Hegemony and Its Perils, exposing the grave harm U.S. hegemonic acts have done to world peace, stability and international rules and order, Wang said.Wang noted that the U.S. abuses its political hegemony and is used to throwing its weight around. From the “Neo-Monroe Doctrine” to color revolutions, from the Five Eyes to the Quad, it has been creating division and stoking confrontation all over the world. The U.S. abuses its military hegemony with wanton use of force. From Afghanistan to Iraq and Syria, since 2001, the wars and military operations launched by the U.S. in the name of fighting terrorism have claimed over 900,000 lives and created 37 million refugees around the world.He pointed out that the U.S. abuses its economic hegemony featured by looting and exploitation. From abusing its control over international economic and financial organizations, to willfully suppressing its opponents with coercion and doubling down on unilateral sanctions and “long-arm jurisdiction”, the U.S. claims to uphold fairness and justice, but all it ever cares about is how to advance its selfish interests.The U.S. abuses its technological hegemony underpinned by monopoly and suppression. It monopolizes intellectual property in the name of protection, politicizes, weaponizes technological issues and uses them as ideological tools in the name of safeguarding national security, and carries out indiscriminate eavesdropping, becoming a true “empire of hackers”. The U.S. abuses its cultural hegemony to spread false narratives. It has built an industrial chain to finance, produce and peddle misinformation while using various means to silence media of other countries. This is how it seeks to manipulate public opinion, he added.Not long ago, despite China’s repeated communication, the U.S. turned a blind eye to the plain facts and weaved the “spy balloon” narrative. President Biden gave the order and U.S. fighter jets blatantly shot down the Chinese airship. This is yet another example of U.S. hegemony.Wang emphasized that rather than throw unfounded allegations around, the U.S. should reflect on itself, correct its erroneous practices, relinquish its hold on hegemony, and seek peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation with other countries on the basis of respect for sovereignty.U.S. 'top disrupter' of global order, FM spokesman saysU.S., Russia should resume implementation of New START treaty: UN chief(ECNS) -- Facts have fully proven that the U.S. is the top disruptor of international rules and order, and hegemony is the hallmark of its approach to international rules and international affairs, a Chinese spokesperson said on Tuesday."China is a defender of the international order. We always firmly safeguard the UN-centered international system, the international order based on international law and the basic norms of international relations underpinned by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. It is the U.S., not China, that undermines and tramples on international rules and order," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at the regular press conference in Beijing.Xinhua News Agency released a report yesterday entitled U.S. Hegemony and Its Perils, exposing the grave harm U.S. hegemonic acts have done to world peace, stability and international rules and order, Wang said.Wang noted that the U.S. abuses its political hegemony and is used to throwing its weight around. From the “Neo-Monroe Doctrine” to color revolutions, from the Five Eyes to the Quad, it has been creating division and stoking confrontation all over the world. The U.S. abuses its military hegemony with wanton use of force. From Afghanistan to Iraq and Syria, since 2001, the wars and military operations launched by the U.S. in the name of fighting terrorism have claimed over 900,000 lives and created 37 million refugees around the world.He pointed out that the U.S. abuses its economic hegemony featured by looting and exploitation. From abusing its control over international economic and financial organizations, to willfully suppressing its opponents with coercion and doubling down on unilateral sanctions and “long-arm jurisdiction”, the U.S. claims to uphold fairness and justice, but all it ever cares about is how to advance its selfish interests.The U.S. abuses its technological hegemony underpinned by monopoly and suppression. It monopolizes intellectual property in the name of protection, politicizes, weaponizes technological issues and uses them as ideological tools in the name of safeguarding national security, and carries out indiscriminate eavesdropping, becoming a true “empire of hackers”. The U.S. abuses its cultural hegemony to spread false narratives. It has built an industrial chain to finance, produce and peddle misinformation while using various means to silence media of other countries. This is how it seeks to manipulate public opinion, he added.Not long ago, despite China’s repeated communication, the U.S. turned a blind eye to the plain facts and weaved the “spy balloon” narrative. President Biden gave the order and U.S. fighter jets blatantly shot down the Chinese airship. This is yet another example of U.S. hegemony.Wang emphasized that rather than throw unfounded allegations around, the U.S. should reflect on itself, correct its erroneous practices, relinquish its hold on hegemony, and seek peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation with other countries on the basis of respect for sovereignty.U.S. 'top disrupter' of global order, FM spokesman saysU.S., Russia should resume implementation of New START treaty: UN chief
标签: ECNS Wire
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