美国前副总统迈克·彭斯家中发现的机密文件 - Classified documents found at former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence's ho

   2023-01-25 ecns0
核心提示:美国前副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)周二告诉国会,在他位于印第安纳州的家中发现了机密文件。众议院监督和问责委员会主席詹姆斯·科默(James Comer)在一份声明中表示,彭斯周二就这些文件放错了地方一事进行了接触。科默谈到彭斯时说:“他已同意全力配合国会的监督和我们对此事的任何疑问。”彭斯于2017年1月至2021 1月在唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)手下担任美国副总统
Former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence told Congress on Tuesday that classified documents had been found at his home in Indiana.House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer said in a statement that Pence reached out on Tuesday about the misplaced documents."He has agreed to fully cooperate with congressional oversight and any questions we have about the matter," Comer said of Pence, who served as U.S. vice president from January 2017 to January 2021 under Donald Trump.Pence's team reportedly informed the National Archives last week that a small number of potential classified documents were found in two small boxes.The documents were collected by federal agents at Pence's home in Carmel, Indiana, on Thursday evening while Pence was in Washington, D.C.The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are said to have launched a review of the documents and how they ended up in Pence's Indiana residence.Special counsels are separately investigating the handling of classified documents by Trump and sitting U.S. President Joe Biden.Trump took hundreds of classified records with him upon ending his presidency and resisted months of requests to return them to the federal government, the DOJ has said, noting that it had to obtain a search warrant to retrieve the documents.The FBI searched Biden's home in Wilmington, Delaware last week and located additional documents with classified markings, according to his lawyer.The discovery was the fourth time since November 2022 that classified records or materials have been found at a private address of Biden's.A new ABC News/Ipsos poll found that large majorities of Americans believe that both Trump and Biden acted inappropriately in handling classified documents.Former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence told Congress on Tuesday that classified documents had been found at his home in Indiana.House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer said in a statement that Pence reached out on Tuesday about the misplaced documents."He has agreed to fully cooperate with congressional oversight and any questions we have about the matter," Comer said of Pence, who served as U.S. vice president from January 2017 to January 2021 under Donald Trump.Pence's team reportedly informed the National Archives last week that a small number of potential classified documents were found in two small boxes.The documents were collected by federal agents at Pence's home in Carmel, Indiana, on Thursday evening while Pence was in Washington, D.C.The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are said to have launched a review of the documents and how they ended up in Pence's Indiana residence.Special counsels are separately investigating the handling of classified documents by Trump and sitting U.S. President Joe Biden.Trump took hundreds of classified records with him upon ending his presidency and resisted months of requests to return them to the federal government, the DOJ has said, noting that it had to obtain a search warrant to retrieve the documents.The FBI searched Biden's home in Wilmington, Delaware last week and located additional documents with classified markings, according to his lawyer.The discovery was the fourth time since November 2022 that classified records or materials have been found at a private address of Biden's.A new ABC News/Ipsos poll found that large majorities of Americans believe that both Trump and Biden acted inappropriately in handling classified documents.
标签: Politics
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