
   2015-05-29 0
核心提示:Southern Kiwi, by Aku A from Waikato, one of many kiwi-themed entries.来自怀卡托(位于新西兰北岛中部)的Aku A设计的国旗

Southern Kiwi, by Aku A from Waikato, one of many kiwi-themed entries.
来自怀卡托(位于新西兰北岛中部)的Aku A设计的国旗南方鹬鸵(也叫几维鸟,是新西兰的国鸟),是诸多以几维鸟为主题的参赛作品之一。

Blue Sky, Blue Sea by Phil Plunkett: "Keep it simple Bro! Everyone has a blue sheet at home they can cut up, Bam! 12 flags from one sheet."
菲尔•普伦基特(Phil Plunkett)设计了《蓝天蓝海》,并称:“兄弟,让设计简洁点!每个人家中都有一块蓝色的床单,咱哗地一下将它剪了。这不就有12条国旗了嘛!”

Gains, by Logan Wu from Wellington. "New Zealand has come a long way since colonialisation in many ways."
来自新西兰首都惠灵顿的Logan Wu设计了《收获》,他称:“新西兰成为英属殖民地之后在很多方面取得了不错的进展。”

Happy Kiwi by Davy Lee from Auckland: "Because it portrays that we are a nation of happy, harmless kiwis."
来自奥克兰(新西兰最大的城市)的李戴维(Davy Lee)设计的是《欢乐的几维鸟》,他解释道:“因为它描述出我们的民族由一群欢乐无害的几维鸟组成。”

Te Pepe, by David Astil from Waikato. "That feel when our eyes gaze upon the flightless and majestic rare-Kiwi bird is a classic icon of NZs deep relationship with our ancestors, their spirit, land and culture."
来自怀卡托的David Astil设计了名为“Te Pepe”的国旗。他表示:“当我们盯着这只镇定庄严的珍惜几维鸟看时,能感觉到它是一个经典图标,象征着新西兰与我们祖先、他们的精神、土地和文化的深层关联。”

Good Flag, by James Ireland from Auckland. "Animals, nature, blah, blah, blah."
来自奥克兰的詹姆斯•爱尔兰(James Ireland)的作品名为《不错的国旗》。他描述道:“(我的国旗中有)动物、自然等等。”

Fire the Lazar! by James Gray from Auckland. "The laser beam projects a powerful image of New Zealand. I believe my design is so powerful it does not need to be discussed."
奥克兰的詹姆斯•格雷(James Gray)设计了作品《激光发射!》,他介绍道:“那个激光束展现了新西兰强大的形象。我相信我的设计没有争议,绝必能量爆棚。”

Blu Green Blu, by Phil Plunkett from Auckland, once again. "Keep it simple Bro! Simple crisp design, can be flown upside down, inside out, back to front."
来自奥克兰的菲尔•普伦基特(Phil Plunkett)又设计了名为《蓝绿蓝》的作品,他提倡道:“兄弟,设计简单些!设计简洁干脆的国旗(即使)被吹得上下颠倒、里外翻转、前后翻飞(也能被人们认出来)。”

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