Xi一致当选全国人大代表 - Xi unanimously elected NPC deputy

   2023-01-20 ecns0
Vote by Jiangsu provincial congress greeted with thunderous applauseXi Jinping was elected on Thursday as a deputy to the 14th National People's Congress by a unanimous vote at the first session of the 14th Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress.He was nominated by the Communist Party of China Central Committee as a candidate for deputy to the 14th NPC, the nation's top legislative body, to represent Jiangsu province.Xi's unanimous election by the more than 800 deputies at the provincial people's congress was greeted with thunderous applause when it was announced at the meeting in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu, Xinhua News Agency reported.The 14th NPC will open its first annual session in Beijing on March 5.NPC deputies are members of the highest organ of State power in China.According to the Electoral Law, deputies to county — and township-level people's congresses are directly elected by voters, while deputies to people's congresses above the county level are elected by deputies at the next lower level. Deputies to the NPC are elected by the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government.The unanimous vote for Xi by the more than 800 deputies to the provincial congress represents the heartfelt aspiration of more than 85 million residents of Jiangsu province, and also demonstrates the firm confidence of the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people of all ethnic groups in Xi as they strive for a brighter future on the way to national rejuvenation, the deputies said.They also said that Xi's election in Jiangsu fully displays the firm determination of the CPC Central Committee in advancing major national development strategies, including the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, adhering to ceaseless reform and opening-up, and making efforts to build the new development paradigm and promote high-quality growth.Jiangsu is an eastern coastal province, with the Yangtze River passing through the southern part of the province. It is one of the leading provinces in terms of the economy, finance, education and technology in China.Zhou Zhongyang, a deputy to the Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress, recalled Xi's inspection tour of Jiangsu in 2014, saying that during that trip, Xi urged exercising full and rigorous governance over the Party.Ever since then, the relationship between officials and the general public has become closer and the authority of Party organizations has also increased, said Zhou, who is also Party secretary of Ercheng, a village in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu.Led by the Party, villagers have shaken off poverty and are working to promote rural vitalization, and "we enjoy a more and more prosperous life", Zhou told Xinhua.Liu Lei, a deputy to the Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress and a technician from Jiangsu Huamei Thermal Power Co in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, said that he was extremely excited that Xi had been unanimously elected to represent Jiangsu.Liu recalled Xi's inspection in Xuzhou after the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017, saying during that trip, Xi stressed developing and expanding the real economy and met with model workers and technicians in his company."He encouraged us to do our best in realizing the Chinese dream. We will keep in mind his words and strive to promote innovation and make more breakthroughs in technology, and make contributions to China's manufacturing industry."Vote by Jiangsu provincial congress greeted with thunderous applauseXi Jinping was elected on Thursday as a deputy to the 14th National People's Congress by a unanimous vote at the first session of the 14th Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress.He was nominated by the Communist Party of China Central Committee as a candidate for deputy to the 14th NPC, the nation's top legislative body, to represent Jiangsu province.Xi's unanimous election by the more than 800 deputies at the provincial people's congress was greeted with thunderous applause when it was announced at the meeting in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu, Xinhua News Agency reported.The 14th NPC will open its first annual session in Beijing on March 5.NPC deputies are members of the highest organ of State power in China.According to the Electoral Law, deputies to county — and township-level people's congresses are directly elected by voters, while deputies to people's congresses above the county level are elected by deputies at the next lower level. Deputies to the NPC are elected by the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government.The unanimous vote for Xi by the more than 800 deputies to the provincial congress represents the heartfelt aspiration of more than 85 million residents of Jiangsu province, and also demonstrates the firm confidence of the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people of all ethnic groups in Xi as they strive for a brighter future on the way to national rejuvenation, the deputies said.They also said that Xi's election in Jiangsu fully displays the firm determination of the CPC Central Committee in advancing major national development strategies, including the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, adhering to ceaseless reform and opening-up, and making efforts to build the new development paradigm and promote high-quality growth.Jiangsu is an eastern coastal province, with the Yangtze River passing through the southern part of the province. It is one of the leading provinces in terms of the economy, finance, education and technology in China.Zhou Zhongyang, a deputy to the Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress, recalled Xi's inspection tour of Jiangsu in 2014, saying that during that trip, Xi urged exercising full and rigorous governance over the Party.Ever since then, the relationship between officials and the general public has become closer and the authority of Party organizations has also increased, said Zhou, who is also Party secretary of Ercheng, a village in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu.Led by the Party, villagers have shaken off poverty and are working to promote rural vitalization, and "we enjoy a more and more prosperous life", Zhou told Xinhua.Liu Lei, a deputy to the Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress and a technician from Jiangsu Huamei Thermal Power Co in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, said that he was extremely excited that Xi had been unanimously elected to represent Jiangsu.Liu recalled Xi's inspection in Xuzhou after the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017, saying during that trip, Xi stressed developing and expanding the real economy and met with model workers and technicians in his company."He encouraged us to do our best in realizing the Chinese dream. We will keep in mind his words and strive to promote innovation and make more breakthroughs in technology, and make contributions to China's manufacturing industry."
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