中国共产党推进基层自治 - CPC's advancement of self-governance at grassroots level

   2023-01-14 ecns0
The Communist Party of China (CPC) has continued to advance its strict self-governance in all respects at the beginning of the new year.Party organizations at all levels across China are sparing no effort to promote self-governance, as the report of the Party's 20th national congress said that "full and rigorous self-governance is an unceasing endeavor and that self-reform is a journey to which there is no end."IMPROVING PARTY CONDUCTAs the practice of formalities for formalities' sake and bureaucratism are recognized as enemies to the cause of the Party and the country, localities across China have this year continued easing their related burdens to increase efficiency."With less red tape, and fewer formalities and meetings, we have more time to provide services for the people," said Guo Ying, a community official in Tangshan, north China's Hebei Province.In the past, Guo said, there were many meetings and they would take half an hour to two hours, consuming both time and energy."But now, officials at all levels are keeping in mind the importance of eradicating bureaucratism and the practice of formalities for formalities' sake, and conduct and work performances have been greatly improved," Guo added.COMBATING CORRUPTIONFor Li Ming, a resident of Tongyu County in Baicheng City, northeastern China's Jilin Province, winter used to be unbearable due to the poor heating system in his neighborhood. But this year is different."Now my house is perfectly warm, and I finally got my refund for heating failures. Thank you for taking our complaints seriously and solving our problems!" Li, sitting in a cozy, warm living room, told a discipline inspection official from the county during a follow-up visit.Located in a region that is known for its bitter cold, Baicheng has a six-month winter heating season, two months longer than most Chinese cities with heating systems. For this reason, heating tops the list of livelihood issues of concern for Baicheng residents.Targeting corruption and malpractices in the heating field, the discipline inspection and supervisory commission of Baicheng has launched multiple campaigns. To date, local authorities have filed cases against 16 individuals for discipline and law violations, and 13 officials have been handed punishments, retrieving economic losses of over 6.6 million yuan (about 1 million U.S. dollars)."Feeling warm at home gives people warm feelings about the government," said Li Lichun, head of the discipline inspection and supervisory commission of Baicheng City.Li said that in the near future, the misappropriation of funds aimed at improving the people's well-being, the abuse of judicial and law enforcement power, and other issues infringing upon public interests will be targeted in the commission's work.INTEGRATING OVERSIGHT EFFORTSAn effective oversight system that brings neglected issues to the table gives people a more concrete feeling of fulfillment, happiness and security.Lu Ruiying, an elderly man from Deqing County in Huzhou City, east China's Zhejiang Province, was delighted to see the changes that have taken place in the county's once neglected home elderly care system. "Now, volunteers pay me visits and chat with me every month."The need for improved home elderly care services drew the attention of Deqing County's inspection teams. Through the face-to-face inspection feedback mechanism between the inspection and supervisory authorities and the county government, the issue was deliberated and tackled in a timely manner.Wang Yunxiang, head of the discipline inspection and supervisory commission of Deqing County, said that 16 of the 28 issues deliberated have been addressed over recent years.The Communist Party of China (CPC) has continued to advance its strict self-governance in all respects at the beginning of the new year.Party organizations at all levels across China are sparing no effort to promote self-governance, as the report of the Party's 20th national congress said that "full and rigorous self-governance is an unceasing endeavor and that self-reform is a journey to which there is no end."IMPROVING PARTY CONDUCTAs the practice of formalities for formalities' sake and bureaucratism are recognized as enemies to the cause of the Party and the country, localities across China have this year continued easing their related burdens to increase efficiency."With less red tape, and fewer formalities and meetings, we have more time to provide services for the people," said Guo Ying, a community official in Tangshan, north China's Hebei Province.In the past, Guo said, there were many meetings and they would take half an hour to two hours, consuming both time and energy."But now, officials at all levels are keeping in mind the importance of eradicating bureaucratism and the practice of formalities for formalities' sake, and conduct and work performances have been greatly improved," Guo added.COMBATING CORRUPTIONFor Li Ming, a resident of Tongyu County in Baicheng City, northeastern China's Jilin Province, winter used to be unbearable due to the poor heating system in his neighborhood. But this year is different."Now my house is perfectly warm, and I finally got my refund for heating failures. Thank you for taking our complaints seriously and solving our problems!" Li, sitting in a cozy, warm living room, told a discipline inspection official from the county during a follow-up visit.Located in a region that is known for its bitter cold, Baicheng has a six-month winter heating season, two months longer than most Chinese cities with heating systems. For this reason, heating tops the list of livelihood issues of concern for Baicheng residents.Targeting corruption and malpractices in the heating field, the discipline inspection and supervisory commission of Baicheng has launched multiple campaigns. To date, local authorities have filed cases against 16 individuals for discipline and law violations, and 13 officials have been handed punishments, retrieving economic losses of over 6.6 million yuan (about 1 million U.S. dollars)."Feeling warm at home gives people warm feelings about the government," said Li Lichun, head of the discipline inspection and supervisory commission of Baicheng City.Li said that in the near future, the misappropriation of funds aimed at improving the people's well-being, the abuse of judicial and law enforcement power, and other issues infringing upon public interests will be targeted in the commission's work.INTEGRATING OVERSIGHT EFFORTSAn effective oversight system that brings neglected issues to the table gives people a more concrete feeling of fulfillment, happiness and security.Lu Ruiying, an elderly man from Deqing County in Huzhou City, east China's Zhejiang Province, was delighted to see the changes that have taken place in the county's once neglected home elderly care system. "Now, volunteers pay me visits and chat with me every month."The need for improved home elderly care services drew the attention of Deqing County's inspection teams. Through the face-to-face inspection feedback mechanism between the inspection and supervisory authorities and the county government, the issue was deliberated and tackled in a timely manner.Wang Yunxiang, head of the discipline inspection and supervisory commission of Deqing County, said that 16 of the 28 issues deliberated have been addressed over recent years.
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