世界领导人谴责巴西前总统的支持者冲击国家权力席位 - World leaders condemn supporters of Brazilian ex-president storming natio

   2023-01-09 ecns0
核心提示:巴西前总统博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)的支持者周日冲击了首都的总统府、国会和最高法院,一些国家和国际组织的领导人谴责了他们的行为,并表示支持巴西总统卢拉·达席尔瓦。袭击者抗议博尔索纳罗在10月的总统选举中被卢拉·达席尔瓦击败后失去权力。卢拉·达·席尔瓦于1月1日宣誓就职
After supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro stormed the presidential palace, the Congress and the Supreme Court here the capital city on Sunday, leaders of several countries and international organizations condemned their action and expressed support for Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.The attackers were protesting Bolsonaro's loss of power after being defeated by Lula da Silva in the presidential election in October.Lula da Silva, who was sworn in on Jan. 1, condemned the invasions, saying the attackers would be punished "with the full force of law."More than 400 were arrested in connection with the attacks, Federal District Governor Ibaneis Rocha revealed Monday."We continue working to identify all the others who participated in these terrorist acts this afternoon in the Federal District. We continue to work to restore order," said Rocha on Twitter.Rodrigo Pacheco, president of the Federal Senate, also blasted the invasions, saying the protesters were "undemocratic" and must be punished "rigorously."Bolsonaro, who was absent from the inauguration ceremony of Lula da Silva, voiced earlier on Twitter his support for peaceful demonstrations and rejected vandalism and invasion of public buildings.Local media reported that Lula da Silva was not in the presidential palace at the time of the riot and security forces have now retaken control of the three buildings.World leaders repudiated the protesters' acts and expressed their support for the incumbent Brazilian government.While expressing his support for Lula da Silva, Colombian President Gustavo Petro called for an urgent meeting of the Organization of American States to "apply the democratic charter.""An unconscionable attack on the three powers of the Brazilian state by Bolsonarists. The Brazilian government has our full support in the face of this cowardly and vile attack on democracy," Chilean President Gabriel Boric said.The Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry also issued a statement reiterating its "unrestricted support for democracy and the legitimately elected government."Argentine Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero wrote on Twitter that "we express our solidarity with Lula da Silva and raise our voices in defense of Brazilian democracy."Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard also expressed his country's "full support for the government of President Lula elected by popular will" and rejected "any attempt against democratic institutions."OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro condemned the incursions, saying they are of a "fascist nature."U.S. President Joe Biden has also condemned the "assault on democracy" in Brazil."I condemn the assault on democracy and on the peaceful transfer of power in Brazil. Brazil's democratic institutions have our full support and the will of the Brazilian people must not be undermined. I look forward to continuing to work with Lula," he said on Twitter on Sunday.In Europe, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said in a statement that the EU condemns in the strongest terms the anti-democratic acts of violence that took place on Sunday in the heart of Brasilia's government quarter, and reiterates its full support for Lula.French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted his support for Lula, saying: "The will of the Brazilian people and the democratic institutions must be respected!"Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa condemned the acts of Bolsonaro's supporters and stressed Portugal's solidarity with Lula da Silva as a new "legitimately invested power" in Brazil after the 2022 election.After supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro stormed the presidential palace, the Congress and the Supreme Court here the capital city on Sunday, leaders of several countries and international organizations condemned their action and expressed support for Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.The attackers were protesting Bolsonaro's loss of power after being defeated by Lula da Silva in the presidential election in October.Lula da Silva, who was sworn in on Jan. 1, condemned the invasions, saying the attackers would be punished "with the full force of law."More than 400 were arrested in connection with the attacks, Federal District Governor Ibaneis Rocha revealed Monday."We continue working to identify all the others who participated in these terrorist acts this afternoon in the Federal District. We continue to work to restore order," said Rocha on Twitter.Rodrigo Pacheco, president of the Federal Senate, also blasted the invasions, saying the protesters were "undemocratic" and must be punished "rigorously."Bolsonaro, who was absent from the inauguration ceremony of Lula da Silva, voiced earlier on Twitter his support for peaceful demonstrations and rejected vandalism and invasion of public buildings.Local media reported that Lula da Silva was not in the presidential palace at the time of the riot and security forces have now retaken control of the three buildings.World leaders repudiated the protesters' acts and expressed their support for the incumbent Brazilian government.While expressing his support for Lula da Silva, Colombian President Gustavo Petro called for an urgent meeting of the Organization of American States to "apply the democratic charter.""An unconscionable attack on the three powers of the Brazilian state by Bolsonarists. The Brazilian government has our full support in the face of this cowardly and vile attack on democracy," Chilean President Gabriel Boric said.The Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry also issued a statement reiterating its "unrestricted support for democracy and the legitimately elected government."Argentine Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero wrote on Twitter that "we express our solidarity with Lula da Silva and raise our voices in defense of Brazilian democracy."Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard also expressed his country's "full support for the government of President Lula elected by popular will" and rejected "any attempt against democratic institutions."OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro condemned the incursions, saying they are of a "fascist nature."U.S. President Joe Biden has also condemned the "assault on democracy" in Brazil."I condemn the assault on democracy and on the peaceful transfer of power in Brazil. Brazil's democratic institutions have our full support and the will of the Brazilian people must not be undermined. I look forward to continuing to work with Lula," he said on Twitter on Sunday.In Europe, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said in a statement that the EU condemns in the strongest terms the anti-democratic acts of violence that took place on Sunday in the heart of Brasilia's government quarter, and reiterates its full support for Lula.French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted his support for Lula, saying: "The will of the Brazilian people and the democratic institutions must be respected!"Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa condemned the acts of Bolsonaro's supporters and stressed Portugal's solidarity with Lula da Silva as a new "legitimately invested power" in Brazil after the 2022 election.
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