美国众议院在历史性政治僵局中未能选出议长,因此休会 - U.S. House adjourns after failing to elect speaker in historic political

   2023-01-04 ecns0
核心提示:由于美国众议院议员未能选出下院议长,众议院于周二晚间休会。美国国会议员凯文·麦卡锡(Kevin McCarthy)来自加利福尼亚州,当天早些时候,众议院共和党人投了反对票,但未能在三次投票中获得足够的选票。众议院议员同意休会至周三中午,届时将至少进行第四次投票。据报道,麦卡锡周二晚上正在与共和党同僚进行谈判
The U.S. House of Representatives adjourned on Tuesday evening after its members failed to elect a speaker for the lower chamber.U.S. Congressman Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, failed to secure enough votes in three ballots earlier in the day after a group of House Republicans voted against him.There will be at least a fourth vote as House members agreed to adjourn until Wednesday noon. McCarthy is reportedly negotiating with fellow Republicans on Tuesday night.The political drama came nearly two months after the 2022 midterm elections, in which Republicans flipped the House and Democrats held onto their majority in the Senate.HISTORICALLY DIVIDED CONGRESSThis was the first time in a century that the U.S. House speaker was not elected on the first ballot.The House will have to vote on and on until a speaker is elected with a majority of votes. A candidate needs 218 votes to become speaker if no lawmaker skips the vote or votes "present."All House Democrats voted for Congressman Hakeem Jeffries from New York to lead the Democratic minority in the three rounds of voting on the speakership.It also followed the convening of the new and divided Congress on Tuesday noon.Jemele Hill, a contributing writer for The Atlantic, tweeted on Tuesday afternoon that "what we're witnessing today in American politics is just another brutal indictment of this dysfunctional political system."White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that U.S. President Joe Biden, a former six-term senator from Delaware, "will not insert himself in that process.""The president served as a U.S. senator for 34 years and he understands how this process works," Jean-Pierre said.U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris presided over the opening day of the Senate -- where Democrats have a slim 51-49 majority over Republicans -- when she swore in 35 either newly elected or reelected senators Tuesday afternoon.Chuck Schumer from New York and Mitch McConnell from Kentucky, both Senate veterans, remain the chamber's majority leader and minority leader, respectively.PUBLIC TRUST IN CONGRESS AT LOW LEVELU.S. Congressman-elect George Santos, a 34-year-old Republican from New York, is among those who are waiting to be sworn in after the speaker vote.Santos has recently admitted to lying about his educational history and professional biography but rejected bipartisan calls for him not to take office."My sins here are embellishing my resume. I'm sorry," embattled Santos acknowledged last week while alleging that the controversy would not deter him "from having good legislative success."Former U.S. Congresswoman and Fox News contributor Tulsi Gabbard commented, "Washington has created a culture where it's acceptable to lie to further your own interest.""But even when politicians do get caught, people just shrug their shoulders and move on," Gabbard continued. "So, no one should be surprised that the American people don't trust these politicians."Public trust in the U.S. Congress reached an all-time low, with only 7 percent of Americans expressing "a great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in it, according to a Gallup poll released in the summer of 2022.A separate survey that Gallup conducted following last year's midterm elections suggested that Americans' approval of Congress remains largely negative, with 73 percent of U.S. adults expressing disapproval.The divided Congress with Republicans controlling the House is likely to stall Biden's legislative agenda in the next two years.In addition, top House Republicans have vowed to launch a series of investigations into the Democratic administration, poised to augment partisan discord on Capitol Hill."Our politics has gotten so angry, so mean, so partisan," Biden said late last year. "And too often we see each other as enemies, not as neighbors; as Democrats or Republicans, not as fellow Americans. We've become too divided."The U.S. House of Representatives adjourned on Tuesday evening after its members failed to elect a speaker for the lower chamber.U.S. Congressman Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, failed to secure enough votes in three ballots earlier in the day after a group of House Republicans voted against him.There will be at least a fourth vote as House members agreed to adjourn until Wednesday noon. McCarthy is reportedly negotiating with fellow Republicans on Tuesday night.The political drama came nearly two months after the 2022 midterm elections, in which Republicans flipped the House and Democrats held onto their majority in the Senate.HISTORICALLY DIVIDED CONGRESSThis was the first time in a century that the U.S. House speaker was not elected on the first ballot.The House will have to vote on and on until a speaker is elected with a majority of votes. A candidate needs 218 votes to become speaker if no lawmaker skips the vote or votes "present."All House Democrats voted for Congressman Hakeem Jeffries from New York to lead the Democratic minority in the three rounds of voting on the speakership.It also followed the convening of the new and divided Congress on Tuesday noon.Jemele Hill, a contributing writer for The Atlantic, tweeted on Tuesday afternoon that "what we're witnessing today in American politics is just another brutal indictment of this dysfunctional political system."White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that U.S. President Joe Biden, a former six-term senator from Delaware, "will not insert himself in that process.""The president served as a U.S. senator for 34 years and he understands how this process works," Jean-Pierre said.U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris presided over the opening day of the Senate -- where Democrats have a slim 51-49 majority over Republicans -- when she swore in 35 either newly elected or reelected senators Tuesday afternoon.Chuck Schumer from New York and Mitch McConnell from Kentucky, both Senate veterans, remain the chamber's majority leader and minority leader, respectively.PUBLIC TRUST IN CONGRESS AT LOW LEVELU.S. Congressman-elect George Santos, a 34-year-old Republican from New York, is among those who are waiting to be sworn in after the speaker vote.Santos has recently admitted to lying about his educational history and professional biography but rejected bipartisan calls for him not to take office."My sins here are embellishing my resume. I'm sorry," embattled Santos acknowledged last week while alleging that the controversy would not deter him "from having good legislative success."Former U.S. Congresswoman and Fox News contributor Tulsi Gabbard commented, "Washington has created a culture where it's acceptable to lie to further your own interest.""But even when politicians do get caught, people just shrug their shoulders and move on," Gabbard continued. "So, no one should be surprised that the American people don't trust these politicians."Public trust in the U.S. Congress reached an all-time low, with only 7 percent of Americans expressing "a great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in it, according to a Gallup poll released in the summer of 2022.A separate survey that Gallup conducted following last year's midterm elections suggested that Americans' approval of Congress remains largely negative, with 73 percent of U.S. adults expressing disapproval.The divided Congress with Republicans controlling the House is likely to stall Biden's legislative agenda in the next two years.In addition, top House Republicans have vowed to launch a series of investigations into the Democratic administration, poised to augment partisan discord on Capitol Hill."Our politics has gotten so angry, so mean, so partisan," Biden said late last year. "And too often we see each other as enemies, not as neighbors; as Democrats or Republicans, not as fellow Americans. We've become too divided."
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