香港特区、澳门特区行政长官新年致辞 - HKSAR, Macao SAR chief executives extend New Year greetings

   2023-01-02 ecns0
核心提示:香港特别行政区行政长官John Lee和澳门特别行政区执行长何亚生分别向两个特区的居民致以新年问候,期待着新的一年更加美好。李明博在周日的新年致辞中表示,2022年,香港正逐步从疫情中稳定复苏,许多国际和大型活动有序、安全地举行
Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) John Lee and Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Ho Iat Seng have extended New Year greetings to the two SARs' residents, respectively, expecting an even better new year.Lee said in his New Year message on Sunday that in 2022, Hong Kong was stepping into a stable recovery from the epidemic, with an orderly and safe staging of many international and large-scale events and a better overall social atmosphere.Lee noted that the HKSAR government has set two primary goals for 2023. The first is to bring residents' lives back to the pre-epidemic situation, he said, adding that Hong Kong, backed by the mainland and connected to the world, will shine again on the international stage.Lee said he and his team will do their best to promote people's livelihood and economic activities, and ensure that Hong Kong will return to normal from impact of the epidemic within this year.Secondly, Lee said the HKSAR government will implement the initiatives set out in the policy address, addressing people's concerns and difficulties in daily life, building a healthy, vibrant, caring, and inclusive Hong Kong, and strengthening youth development and education to make a new leap forward.Multiple favorable factors for the development of the Macao SAR are emerging for the year 2023, Ho said on Saturday in his New Year message.Noting that next year marks the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the Basic Law of the Macao SAR, which represents an important historical turning point, Ho said the Macao SAR government will continue upholding the principle of "one country, two systems," and safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests.He also pledged efforts to boost the economy, promote economic diversification, maintain stable and healthy development, better coordinate epidemic prevention and control and socio-economic development, and actively improve people's livelihoods.Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) John Lee and Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Ho Iat Seng have extended New Year greetings to the two SARs' residents, respectively, expecting an even better new year.Lee said in his New Year message on Sunday that in 2022, Hong Kong was stepping into a stable recovery from the epidemic, with an orderly and safe staging of many international and large-scale events and a better overall social atmosphere.Lee noted that the HKSAR government has set two primary goals for 2023. The first is to bring residents' lives back to the pre-epidemic situation, he said, adding that Hong Kong, backed by the mainland and connected to the world, will shine again on the international stage.Lee said he and his team will do their best to promote people's livelihood and economic activities, and ensure that Hong Kong will return to normal from impact of the epidemic within this year.Secondly, Lee said the HKSAR government will implement the initiatives set out in the policy address, addressing people's concerns and difficulties in daily life, building a healthy, vibrant, caring, and inclusive Hong Kong, and strengthening youth development and education to make a new leap forward.Multiple favorable factors for the development of the Macao SAR are emerging for the year 2023, Ho said on Saturday in his New Year message.Noting that next year marks the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the Basic Law of the Macao SAR, which represents an important historical turning point, Ho said the Macao SAR government will continue upholding the principle of "one country, two systems," and safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests.He also pledged efforts to boost the economy, promote economic diversification, maintain stable and healthy development, better coordinate epidemic prevention and control and socio-economic development, and actively improve people's livelihoods.
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