普京称西方试图“撕裂”俄罗斯 - Putin says West trying to 'tear apart' Russia

   2022-12-27 ecns0
核心提示:俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)周日在国家电视台上表示,西方正在试图“撕裂”俄罗斯,他警告称,如果美国向乌克兰提供爱国者防空系统,就会摧毁这些系统。普京在接受俄罗斯电视台Rossiya 1台采访时,使用了“历史俄罗斯”的概念,他说,为期10个月的“特别军事行动”旨在“团结俄罗斯人民”。他说,俄罗斯的地缘政治对手是
The West is trying to "tear apart "Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on national television on Sunday, warning that Patriot air defense systems would be destroyed if the United States provides them to Ukraine.Putin used the concept of "historical Russia" to argue that Ukrainians and Russians are one people during his interview with Rossiya-1 television, and said the 10-month "special military operation" aimed to "unite the Russian people".He said Russia's geopolitical opponents were "aiming to tear apart Russia, historical Russia"."Divide and conquer, that's what they have always sought to accomplish and are still seeking to do. But our goal is different, it's to unite the Russian people."Putin declared his government was acting "in the right direction …protecting our national interests, the interests of our citizens, of our people".He repeated that Moscow was ready to negotiate and appeared unfazed when asked about the new air defense system the US will deliver to Ukraine.Last Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky traveled to Washington at the invitation of US President Joe Biden. During his visit, the US announced a new assistance package worth $1.85 billion, which included the Patriot air defense system."Of course, we will destroy it, 100 percent," Putin said, adding that Ukraine does not yet have these systems.Earlier last week, Putin noted that "the Patriot is a fairly outdated system", and that an "antidote" to these systems will be found.On the battlefield, the Russian military reported on Monday that it shot down a Ukrainian drone approaching an air base deep inside Russia, the second time the air base has been targeted this month.Russia's Defense Ministry said the incident took place early on Monday, and three servicemen were killed by debris at the Engels air base that houses strategic bombers that have been involved in launching strikes on Ukraine.The West is trying to "tear apart "Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on national television on Sunday, warning that Patriot air defense systems would be destroyed if the United States provides them to Ukraine.Putin used the concept of "historical Russia" to argue that Ukrainians and Russians are one people during his interview with Rossiya-1 television, and said the 10-month "special military operation" aimed to "unite the Russian people".He said Russia's geopolitical opponents were "aiming to tear apart Russia, historical Russia"."Divide and conquer, that's what they have always sought to accomplish and are still seeking to do. But our goal is different, it's to unite the Russian people."Putin declared his government was acting "in the right direction …protecting our national interests, the interests of our citizens, of our people".He repeated that Moscow was ready to negotiate and appeared unfazed when asked about the new air defense system the US will deliver to Ukraine.Last Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky traveled to Washington at the invitation of US President Joe Biden. During his visit, the US announced a new assistance package worth $1.85 billion, which included the Patriot air defense system."Of course, we will destroy it, 100 percent," Putin said, adding that Ukraine does not yet have these systems.Earlier last week, Putin noted that "the Patriot is a fairly outdated system", and that an "antidote" to these systems will be found.On the battlefield, the Russian military reported on Monday that it shot down a Ukrainian drone approaching an air base deep inside Russia, the second time the air base has been targeted this month.Russia's Defense Ministry said the incident took place early on Monday, and three servicemen were killed by debris at the Engels air base that houses strategic bombers that have been involved in launching strikes on Ukraine.
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