
   2015-05-12 0
核心提示:What is the most difficult thing to learn and accept about life?生命中最难接受的事情是什么?获得3.5k好评的回答:@Tom Wil

What is the most difficult thing to learn and accept about life?

获得3.5k好评的回答:@Tom Wills

The hardest things for me to learn and accept have been:

The universe doesnt care if I succeed or fail.

The biggest obstacle I have to overcome in pursuing success is myself.

Other people seldom see me the way I think they do, or the way I want them to.

I cant change you.

Nobody owes me anything.

I cant get the time back.

I wont be here one day, and I have no idea when that day will come or how Im going to exit this life.

获得113好评的回答:@Dan Holliday

For me, the hardest things to learn in life have been:

Learning to admit Im wrong. And not just admit it to myself, but openly find the people that showed me I was wrong and then thanking them. The task of admitting were wrong is already hard enough, but when compounded by my own obligation to find the person and say, "Hey, you were right.  I was wrong."  Make it painful sometimes.  I would like to believe that Im getting better, but its a work in progress.

In the same vein:  changing my mind. We are creatures designed to be stubborn. Being feisty, stubborn and willful kept our ancestors alive.  Being right was secondary.  We circle ourselves with people who agree with us, we surround ourselves with media and reading that confirms our biases.  Its really challenging to change our mind.  Im learning to do it.  I am getting there because I spend immense effort in arguing against everything I believe and testing my assumptions as frequently as possible.

Learning to let go.  Its hard. We innately want eternity.  Our religions are obsessed with this:  "Dont worry, this isnt just a short life.  Youve got eternity later."  We loathe the notion that were here then gone.  Im learning to let go of that delusion.  Im here, then Im gone.

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