乌克兰泽连斯基访问华盛顿,拜登批准更多军事援助 - Biden approves more military aid as Ukraine's Zelensky visits Washing

   2022-12-22 ecns0
核心提示:美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)周三承诺访问乌克兰总统沃洛德米尔·泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)将提供军事援助,特别提到他刚刚批准为乌克兰提供的爱国者地空导弹电池,这是一项新的安全援助,总额达18.5亿美国。根据五角大楼的一份清单,拜登批准的武器一揽子计划,还包括“精确航空弹药”,但没有详细说明其类型和数量。据美国媒体报道
U.S. President Joe Biden pledged visiting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday to offer military aid, mentioning in particular the Patriot surface-to-air missile battery he just approved for Ukraine in a new tranche of security assistance totaling 1.85 billion U.S. dollars.The weapons package approved by Biden, according to a list from the Pentagon, also included "precision aerial munitions," which it didn't explain in detail regarding the type and quantity. According to U.S. media reports, they might be the so-called "Joint Direct Attack Munitions," which would transform the unguided "dumb" bombs into "smart" bombs by the addition of fins and a precision guidance system.Arriving in the United States Wednesday for a visit, Zelensky told Biden he wished to "come earlier" but was unable to because of the once difficult situation in Ukraine that has now been under control.Although Zelensky was effusive in his praise for Biden, he didn't mince words when it came to the Patriot battery -- the most advanced weapon system the United States has offered and something Zelensky has long asked for. He told his counterpart that just one such item is not enough for Ukraine."We would like to get more Patriots," Zelensky said to laughter from Biden, who stood next to him during a joint press conference held after their bilateral meeting.Biden stressed that the United States is committed to ensuring that Ukraine continues to have the ability to defend itself "as long as it takes" during the press conference.Zelensky told reporters that he floated to Biden the idea of a "global formula for a peace summit" and offered "very specific steps what America can do to help us implement them." He didn't elaborate further.The Ukrainian president said later while delivering a speech at a joint session of Congress that the peace plan he proposed contains "10 points," that the summit "can be held," and that "President Biden supported our peace initiative today."However, John Kirby, the National Security Council's coordinator for strategic communication, told CNN during a live coverage prior to Zelensky's congressional speech that while Biden "obviously wants to seek a just peace in accordance with what Ukrainian President Zelensky desires," as regards the peace summit, the administration will have to "study that a little bit more."In his address to U.S. lawmakers, Zelensky requested for more weapons from the United States. "We have artillery, yes, thank you. Is it enough? Honestly, not really," he said.On Tuesday morning, the House Appropriations Committee released the "Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023," which will provide Ukraine with 45 billion dollars in emergency assistance. It is contained in a 1.7-trillion-dollar omnibus spending bill to fund the federal government through fiscal year 2023.That 45-billion-dollar sum represents the biggest infusion of Washington's aid to Kiev, surpassing even the White House's request made to Congress last month to ask for a 37-billion-dollar appropriation aimed at helping Ukraine in the ongoing conflict.Kevin McCarthy, Republican member of the House who is expected to become the next Speaker, said after attending the joint session that Zelensky gave a "good speech," but "my position has never changed. I support Ukraine, but I never support a blank check."U.S. President Joe Biden pledged visiting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday to offer military aid, mentioning in particular the Patriot surface-to-air missile battery he just approved for Ukraine in a new tranche of security assistance totaling 1.85 billion U.S. dollars.The weapons package approved by Biden, according to a list from the Pentagon, also included "precision aerial munitions," which it didn't explain in detail regarding the type and quantity. According to U.S. media reports, they might be the so-called "Joint Direct Attack Munitions," which would transform the unguided "dumb" bombs into "smart" bombs by the addition of fins and a precision guidance system.Arriving in the United States Wednesday for a visit, Zelensky told Biden he wished to "come earlier" but was unable to because of the once difficult situation in Ukraine that has now been under control.Although Zelensky was effusive in his praise for Biden, he didn't mince words when it came to the Patriot battery -- the most advanced weapon system the United States has offered and something Zelensky has long asked for. He told his counterpart that just one such item is not enough for Ukraine."We would like to get more Patriots," Zelensky said to laughter from Biden, who stood next to him during a joint press conference held after their bilateral meeting.Biden stressed that the United States is committed to ensuring that Ukraine continues to have the ability to defend itself "as long as it takes" during the press conference.Zelensky told reporters that he floated to Biden the idea of a "global formula for a peace summit" and offered "very specific steps what America can do to help us implement them." He didn't elaborate further.The Ukrainian president said later while delivering a speech at a joint session of Congress that the peace plan he proposed contains "10 points," that the summit "can be held," and that "President Biden supported our peace initiative today."However, John Kirby, the National Security Council's coordinator for strategic communication, told CNN during a live coverage prior to Zelensky's congressional speech that while Biden "obviously wants to seek a just peace in accordance with what Ukrainian President Zelensky desires," as regards the peace summit, the administration will have to "study that a little bit more."In his address to U.S. lawmakers, Zelensky requested for more weapons from the United States. "We have artillery, yes, thank you. Is it enough? Honestly, not really," he said.On Tuesday morning, the House Appropriations Committee released the "Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023," which will provide Ukraine with 45 billion dollars in emergency assistance. It is contained in a 1.7-trillion-dollar omnibus spending bill to fund the federal government through fiscal year 2023.That 45-billion-dollar sum represents the biggest infusion of Washington's aid to Kiev, surpassing even the White House's request made to Congress last month to ask for a 37-billion-dollar appropriation aimed at helping Ukraine in the ongoing conflict.Kevin McCarthy, Republican member of the House who is expected to become the next Speaker, said after attending the joint session that Zelensky gave a "good speech," but "my position has never changed. I support Ukraine, but I never support a blank check."
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