梅西和迪马利亚在世界杯决赛中场休息时以2:0领先阿根廷 - Messi, Di Maria give Argentina 2-0 halftime lead in World Cup final

   2022-12-19 ecns0
核心提示:在世界杯决赛中,莱昂内尔·梅西和安吉尔·迪马利亚的进球使法国队在中场休息时以2:0领先法国队。阿根廷队在前45分钟(52分钟,伤停补时)完全占据优势,理应获得轻松领先。梅西在第23分钟从点球点开始进球,奥斯曼-登贝莱在阿根廷边锋的一次巧妙转身后将迪马利亚的脚后跟夹住。梅西将雨果·略里斯(Hugo Lloris)送出了一个错误的球,将他在本次比赛中的第四个点球和第六个进球打进
Goals from Lionel Messi and Angel Di Maria gave France a 2-0 halftime lead over France in the World Cup final.Argentina completely dominated the first 45 minutes (52 with injury time) and deserved their comfortable lead.Messi opened the scoring in the 23rd minute from the penalty spot after Ousmane Dembele clipped Di Maria's heel following a smart turn from the Argentinean winger.Messi sent Hugo Lloris the wrong way from the spot to net his fourth penalty and sixth goal of the tournament.Argentina were completely bossing the game and doubled their lead in the 36th minute with a magnificent team goal, which involved Messi and Julian Alvarez, before finding Alexis Mac Allister in space.Mac Allister squared the ball for the onrushing Di Maria to slide the ball past the exposed Lloris and make it 2-0.France coach Deschamps made a double substitution in the 41st minute, replacing Dembele and Giroud, with Marcus Thuram and Randal Kolo Muani.Goals from Lionel Messi and Angel Di Maria gave France a 2-0 halftime lead over France in the World Cup final.Argentina completely dominated the first 45 minutes (52 with injury time) and deserved their comfortable lead.Messi opened the scoring in the 23rd minute from the penalty spot after Ousmane Dembele clipped Di Maria's heel following a smart turn from the Argentinean winger.Messi sent Hugo Lloris the wrong way from the spot to net his fourth penalty and sixth goal of the tournament.Argentina were completely bossing the game and doubled their lead in the 36th minute with a magnificent team goal, which involved Messi and Julian Alvarez, before finding Alexis Mac Allister in space.Mac Allister squared the ball for the onrushing Di Maria to slide the ball past the exposed Lloris and make it 2-0.France coach Deschamps made a double substitution in the 41st minute, replacing Dembele and Giroud, with Marcus Thuram and Randal Kolo Muani.
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