华东地区的浙江领先海外企业获得全球订单 - East China's Zhejiang leads enterprises abroad for global orders

   2022-12-08 ecns0
(ECNS) -- As COVID-19 control measures are optimized across China, Zhejiang Province, one of the country's leading foreign trade contributors, will organize more than 10,000 enterprises in different sectors to participate in economic and trade activities abroad.A team formed by Zhejiang commerce department officials and local enterprises are currently participating in a food ingredient, healthy raw materials exhibition in Europe.This is the first time the Zhejiang provincial commercial department led an enterprises team abroad since the outbreak of the pandemic. The team aims to expand foreign markets in Germany, France and other EU countries and promote bilateral cooperation."This is the first time we participated in an offline European food ingredients and healthy raw materials exhibition since the pandemic," said a person in charge of the BLG group. The company had negotiations with more than 60 customers on the first day, with an intended turnover of about $12 million, he said."On the first day of the exhibition, the corporate booth had received about 20 customers with an intended turnover of about $17 million," said a sales manager of Zhejiang Huakang Group.Two cities, Jiaxing and Ningbo, have already organized local enterprises to visit Japan and the United Arab Emirates respectively for global orders."We hope that the government's lead to doing business abroad would release more active signals to the enterprises so that they are more confident and willing to go out and hunt more opportunities, " said Li Lin, secretary-general of Zhejiang Market Expanding Economic and Trade Group.Zhejiang province introduces tiered diagnosis and treatment for COVID-19 patientsCRRC to build world longest subsea high-speed railway tunnel in E China's Zhejiang Province(ECNS) -- As COVID-19 control measures are optimized across China, Zhejiang Province, one of the country's leading foreign trade contributors, will organize more than 10,000 enterprises in different sectors to participate in economic and trade activities abroad.A team formed by Zhejiang commerce department officials and local enterprises are currently participating in a food ingredient, healthy raw materials exhibition in Europe.This is the first time the Zhejiang provincial commercial department led an enterprises team abroad since the outbreak of the pandemic. The team aims to expand foreign markets in Germany, France and other EU countries and promote bilateral cooperation."This is the first time we participated in an offline European food ingredients and healthy raw materials exhibition since the pandemic," said a person in charge of the BLG group. The company had negotiations with more than 60 customers on the first day, with an intended turnover of about $12 million, he said."On the first day of the exhibition, the corporate booth had received about 20 customers with an intended turnover of about $17 million," said a sales manager of Zhejiang Huakang Group.Two cities, Jiaxing and Ningbo, have already organized local enterprises to visit Japan and the United Arab Emirates respectively for global orders."We hope that the government's lead to doing business abroad would release more active signals to the enterprises so that they are more confident and willing to go out and hunt more opportunities, " said Li Lin, secretary-general of Zhejiang Market Expanding Economic and Trade Group.Zhejiang province introduces tiered diagnosis and treatment for COVID-19 patientsCRRC to build world longest subsea high-speed railway tunnel in E China's Zhejiang Province
标签: ECNS Wire
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