
   2015-04-28 0
核心提示:The hit HBO series is certainly ready to rock on*1! The fifth season of Game of Thrones premiered*2at the Tower of Londo

The hit HBO series is certainly ready to rock on*1! The fifth season of "Game of Thrones" premiered*2 at the Tower of London*3, an atmospheric*4 landmark with a history like the show -- tangled*5, royal and bloody. The series stars walked a red carpet Wednesday at the thousand-year-old fortress*6, a former palace and prison where traitors*7 were once tortured*8 and executed*9.

Although the anticipation*10 from press and fans were high, the cast were sworn to secrecy*11 about plot*12 twists*13 in the series, a phenomenon*14 that has injected*15 sex, blood and a complexity*16 of worthy of Shakespeare into fantasy television. Many of the cast admitted they only read scripts*17 from scenes which they appear in so they can enjoy watching the rest of the show as a fan.

"I dont know, because Ive made a real effort this year not to read any of the scripts apart from*18 my own scenes. And Im really excited to just watch it as a fan, so Im as in the dark as anyone," said Hannah Murray, an actress in "Game of Thrones".
“我不清楚,因为我一年以来都克制自己不去读剧本的其他部分。我和其他剧迷一样,非常期待这部剧。”Hannah Murray——权力游戏中的女演员说道。

Kit Harrington, who plays Jon Snow, said HBO has pulled out all the stops*19 in the new season, basically creating a one-hour feature film each week. "I did more this season than Ive ever done in any other season. I had more filming days than I ever had. I had a certain episode which was by far and away*20 bigger than anything Ive ever filmed in scale*21 and scope*22. It was incredible*23. And I know that was the same for other peoples story lines. They threw money at it*24 this year. They made it bigger and better. The scripts are challenging and wonderful and controversial*25 and its going to be so good," Harrington said.
Kit Harrington——Jon Snow的扮演者说到,HBO在新的一季是全力以赴,基本上就如同每周拍摄一部电影。“我在这一季的戏比其他季中的都要多。我这一季里拍摄工作也更加繁忙。有一集的拍摄,是迄今为止我参与拍摄场景最多。那太美妙了。我也知道,其他演员的戏份也非常的棒。今年他们不惜血本,制作得更宏大更精良。剧本极富挑战,非常棒也非常有话题性,并且一如既往的好。”Harrington如是说。

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, meanwhile, who plays Jaime Lannister, struck a somber*26 tone on the red carpet by alluding*27 to the end of the series."We enter the end game now and I think thats going to be really exciting," he said. "I think some of the major story lines that have been separate are starting to cross paths, if you will. And I think thats going to, yeah, were getting closer to the end," Coster-Waldaum said.
与此同时Nikolaj Coster-Waldau-- Jaime Lannister的扮演者,在接受采访时暗示了剧的结尾。“这部剧已经到了收尾,我想这非常令人兴奋。”他说。“那些支线的故事情节正在聚合交织在一起。我想,是的,我们正在接近尾声。”Coster-Waldaum说。

Season 5 of Game of Thrones premieres on the 12th of April on HBO, and the day after on Sky Atlantic in Europe.
第五季的《权力游戏》4月12日在HBO电视台首播,次日会由Sky Atlantic 频道在欧洲范围播放。(Sky Atlantic 是天空电视Sky 与HBO电视台合资的在欧洲主要播放HBO电视节目的频道。)


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